Thursday, December 31, 2015

Looking For A New Job? A New Year's Resolution Solution From The Nine P's Of Marketing And Larry Steven Londre's Londre Marketing Website

Need a job or a better position?

Let’s start with this. Want to help prepare you or a famly member or associate on interviewing and looking for a job.  So the first question is, what do I need and the first question in the interview may be "So, tell me about yourself." Or “Why should we hire you?”

These are frequently asked questions in the interview process and also the best opportunity for you to deliver the most compelling reasons to hire you. And I have over the years prepared and refined my Looking for a Job document, which is under "Jobs" in my resources 

Whatever level you are at or stage you are in regarding the interviewing process, please ask yourself that question or questions, right now. "So, tell me about yourself." Or “Why should we hire you?”

I have been a teacher for more than 38 years and teaching 79 semesters at many different MBA programs. Law Schools and on the web. 

Over the years, many have inquired about my tips and suggestions for assisting them in preparing for job interviews. Getting a job or a better position. 

I have chaired and ran the Advertising Club of Los Angeles Internship program for 25 years.  We placed more than 1,695 summer internships in paid jobs.  I do not and have not believed in unpaid internships going back to 1983 and earlier. Too many problems for both the student and the companies. The courts have supported our revolutionary ideas of only paid interns, for three decades. 

For over a dozen years I have decided to update this Londre Marketing Consultants' document under "Jobs" every year. Plus post it on my website at, under Articles and Resources. 

Visit here for more insights and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

The Nine P's/9P's help identify marketing problems in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's are insightful. In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

I consult and teach using the concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:

  • Planning
  • People 
    • It's about Segmentation and Targeting. You can use "People," and targeting in looking for a job. It helps in networking too
    • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
    • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
  • Product 
  • Place (Distribution) 
  • Price
  • Promotion: 
    • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, 
    • Promotion: 
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
      • Advertising
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
      • Events and Experiences-
      • Public Relations

  • Passion
  • Partners: It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

    Wednesday, December 30, 2015

    Maybe A New Year's Resolution: How Important Is It To Renew Your Domain Name Registration For A Website?

    It's January first, tomorrow. Let's review your resolutions.

    How important is it to renew your domain name registration for a website, this year?

    I feature this question on my website

    For a bunch of trivia question under Marketing and Advertising click here.

    Now the answer...Pretty important for almost every company, but here's an example or two.

    For both the Dallas Cowboys after failing to renew in 2010 and for FreshDirect for in 2012.

    It’s a loss of awareness, sales and a major PR blunder when the mistake appears first on the web for your users and in the WALL STREET JOURNAL.

    Renewal would have been $37.99, but what an accounting, business, PR nightmare.You find PR as one of the eight elements or parts under Promotion in the 9P's of Marketing

    Visit here for more insights and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

    I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

    The Nine P's/9P's help identify marketing problems in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's are insightful. In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

    I consult and teach using the concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

    In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:

    • Planning
    • People 
      • It's about Segmentation and Targeting. 
      • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
      • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
    • Product 
    • Place (Distribution) 
    • Price
    • Promotion: 
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
    Should we promote?
    Look at consistency of message and messaging, especially with and within the different targets/elements/components/parts.

    • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
    • Advertising
    • Sales Promotion
    • Collateral Materials
    • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
    • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
    • Events and Experiences-
    • Public Relations
    More questions under Promotion, with price increases:
    What should we promote?
    To whom should we promote?
    What economic and discount levels should we offer?
    What form of promotion should we offer? What features?
    How frequent?

    • Partners: It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
    • Passion
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

    Tuesday, December 29, 2015

    Largest Container Ship Ever To Dock In North America At Port Of Los Angeles, With The 9P’s Of Marketing?

    The facts:
    • Largest container ship ever with capacity to haul 18K containers
    • Where: At Port Of Los Angeles
    • What: French vessel CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin 
    • How High: Think of the 102-story tall Empire State Building 
    • How Long: 1,306 feet long 
    • How Wide: An Olympic-sized swimming pool 
    • How Many Containers? Can transport 18K
    Why is this important? It falls under one of the important marketing components, "Place," in the 9P's of Marketing.

    What is Place/Distribution?
    • The company’s activities that make the product available, using distribution and trade channels, roles, coverage, assortments, locations, inventory and transportation characteristics and alternatives. 
    • Companies want to offer the right product at the right PLACE, with the right PARTNERS, at the right time, at the right price. 
    Look to consider, develop and review shipping, distribution, store and non-store, e-commerce and “brick and mortar” factors, considerations, objectives, strategies and tactics, including “Partners.”

    Develop steps in an effective and efficient distribution plan, objectives, strategies, and tactics, plus execution.
    • Channels of distribution.
    • Considerations in and for an effective distribution network and partners. 
    • Channel partners. Identify and specify the roles of distribution partners and members, within the integrated strategic distribution strategies.
    Visit here for more insights into Marketing and Advertising strategies and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

    I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. 

    I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

    The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems and opportunities in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's can be insightful. 

    In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

    I consult and teach using the Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

    In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:
    • Planning
    • People 
      • It's about Segmentation and Targeting. 
      • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
      • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's of Marketing. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
    • Product and Services 
    • Place (Distribution) 
    • Price
    • Promotion: 
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components:The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Promotional activities that communicate the merits of the overall product or services. 
      • Promotion: 
        • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication elements include personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
        • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
        • Advertising
        • Sales Promotion
        • Collateral Materials
        • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
        • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
        • Events and Experiences-
        • Public Relations
      • More questions under Promotion::
        • What should you promote?
        • To whom should you promote?
        • What economic and discount levels should you offer?
        • What form of promotion should you offer? Features? 
        • How frequent?
    • Partners: It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
    • Presentation:
      • The “P” or “Presentation” is the act of presenting any of the different 9P’s© and/or components to your customers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, sales force, marketing intermediaries, clients, employees, partners, and/or others.
      • Look at “real” product and service experiences. I place “events and experiences” also under Promotion. While traditional marketing is based on target audience impressions/ views/ clicks/ exposure, experimental marketing involves engaging with consumers. Enabling consumers and “allowing” them to feel the brand.  
    • Passion
      • Those intense, driving or overmastering feelings, emotions in the planning, developing, pricing, promoting, partnering, selling and overall marketing of products or services. 
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

    Sunday, December 27, 2015

    The Older And Hopefully Wiser I Get, I Know Asking The Right Questions Has Never Been More Important. With The Nine P's Ask Better Questions.

    Asking the right questions... I am finding that more and more important in my teaching, consulting and in my expert witnessing work.

    There is an old line that Google changed everything but even before Google, the headline was "The Internet Changed Everything."

    I attend the UCLA Economic Forecast four times a year. Today's session was titled "December 2015 Economic Outlook: Will C-3PO be your next associate?

    We looked at and reviewed forecasts for the nation and the state of California. We looked at and reviewed employment and structural changes for the past three decades.

    What students are taught or learn in undergrad, graduate, and law schools needs to change. I remember so many times in my 79 semesters of teaching Marketing and advertising plus business strategies that I wanted them to be better prepared in whatever area they would eventually work in.

    The semiconductor does a lot of the work now but someone needs to ask the right questions and give the right direction.

    Think about:
    • We seem not to be able to draw an organization chart. Everything isn't silos in an organization. It's all integration, alliances and partnerships. 
    • Cost cutting and innovations in the past couple of decades have had huge impact on businesses and employment. 
    • Services dominate all large economies in terms of GNP, jobs, and wages. Or said another way GDP growth jobs and wages will all depend on what happens in the services sector. 
    Most important job skills in the future, where asking the right questions will be even more important:
    • Global knowledge, relationships and sensitivities
    • Fast Changing Business Relationships (I put this under "Partners" and Alliances, in the 9P's of Marketing. 
    • Rapid Business Development
    • Multi-cultural
    • Tech literacy
    • Processing 
    Visit here for more insights and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

    I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

    The Nine P's/9P's help identify marketing problems in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's are insightful. In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

    I consult and teach using the concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

    In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:

    • Planning
    • People 
      • It's about Segmentation and Targeting. 
      • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
      • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
    • Product 
    • Place (Distribution) 
    • Price
    • Promotion: 
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, 
      • Promotion: 
        • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
        • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
        • Advertising
        • Sales Promotion
        • Collateral Materials
        • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
        • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
        • Events and Experiences-
        • Public Relations
    More questions under Promotion, with and without price increases:

    • What should we promote? 
    • To whom should we promote? 
    • What economic and discount levels should we offer? 
    • What form of promotion should we offer? What features? 
    • How frequent?

    • Partners: It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
    • Passion
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

    Friday, December 25, 2015

    Polar Bears. Presentation, One Of The Nine P's Under Marketing.

    Special gift to the polar bears and a live cam gift for you.

    I put this under "Promotion" and "Presentation," both P's, under the Nine P's of Marketing. Add Polar and you have ten P's, if you were doing Marketing for zoos. You've got the Ten P's of Marketing. Planning, Product, People, Price, Promotion, Place, Partners, Passion and Presentation, Plus Polar Bears.  

    I saw that the San Diego Zoo gave its polar bears a white Christmas. You could see the polar bears in person or on camera. Click here for the Polar Bear Cam. Real time. Like Now

    The funny polar bears at San Diego Zoo got an early Christmas present. The zookeepers had 26 tons of snow delivered into their enclosure.

    Visit here for more insights into Marketing and Advertising strategies and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

    I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. 

    I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

    The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems and opportunities in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's can be insightful. 

    In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

    I consult and teach using the Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

    In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:
    • Planning
    • People 
      • It's about Segmentation and Targeting. 
      • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
      • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's of Marketing. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
    • Product and Services 
    • Place (Distribution) 
    • Price
    • Promotion: 
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components:The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Promotional activities that communicate the merits of the overall product or services. 
      • Promotion: 
        • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication elements include personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
        • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
        • Advertising
        • Sales Promotion
        • Collateral Materials
        • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
        • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
        • Events and Experiences-
        • Public Relations
      • More questions under Promotion (you need to know what to promote and timing):
        • What should you promote?
        • To whom should you promote?
        • What economic and discount levels should you offer?
        • What form of promotion should you offer? Features? 
        • How frequent?
    • Partners: It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
    • Presentation:
      • The “P” or “Presentation” is the act of presenting any of the different 9P’s© and/or components to your customers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, sales force, marketing intermediaries, clients, employees, partners, and/or others.
      • Look at “real” product and service experiences. I place “events and experiences” also under Promotion. While traditional marketing is based on target audience impressions/ views/ clicks/ exposure, experimental marketing involves engaging with consumers. Enabling consumers and “allowing” them to feel the brand.  
    • Passion
      • Those intense, driving or overmastering feelings, emotions in the planning, developing, pricing, promoting, partnering, selling and overall marketing of products or services. 
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

    Thursday, December 24, 2015

    Taking “Selfie” Seems Like Everyone Is Doing It. First One? Example Promotion And Presentation, 9P's Of Marketing.

    Taking a “selfie” seems like every one is doing it, at graduations, at parties even at the Oscars on TV with Ellen. It's self-promotion under Promotion in the 9P's of Marketing. I'd add Presentation, too. 

    The first known photographic self-portrait was taken by Robert Cornelius in 1839.

    It wasn’t as easy then as it is today until the cellphone was invented with the built-in camera.

    It does appear that if you’re in your 20’s or 30’s it’s more appropriate than if you are in your 50’s or 60’s. Agree?

    Visit here for more insights and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

    I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

    The Nine P's/9P's help identify marketing problems in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's are insightful. In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

    I consult and teach using the concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

    In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:

    • Planning
    • People 
      • It's about Segmentation and Targeting. 
      • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
      • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
    • Product 
    • Place (Distribution) 
    • Price
    • Promotion: 
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
    Should we promote?
    Look at consistency of message and messaging, especially with and within the different targets/elements/components/parts.

    • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
    • Advertising
    • Sales Promotion
    • Collateral Materials
    • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
    • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
    • Events and Experiences-
    • Public Relations
    More questions under Promotion, with price increases:
    What should we promote?
    To whom should we promote?
    What economic and discount levels should we offer?
    What form of promotion should we offer? What features?
    How frequent?

    • Partners: It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
    • Passion
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

    Wednesday, December 23, 2015

    Chipotle Has Problems; Problems Are Not One Of The Nine P’s Of Marketing. Problems Are Affecting Sales And Its Growth

    Chipotle is a good example of many Marketing principles and details.

    It seems everyone knows Chipotle is facing major challenges.It's a pretty good Marketing case in the making.

    Perception is not one of the 9P’s, either.  But their perception is hurting sales. The Nine P's of marketing are: Planning; People; Place; Price; Product; Promotion; Partners; Presentation; Passion.

    Reality isn't one of the 9P's either but it's been reported that 180 consumers then 52 people in nine states have been sickened by eating at Chipotle. Plus add their supply chain and partner problems.

    It's E. coli investigation involving the Mexican grill in multiple states is hammering the chain's stock, while Chipotle's health concerns fall under several P’s of Marketing, including Product; Promotion, Planning; Presentation and Partners for sure.

    Chipotle was one of our favorites, for a bunch of reason. There was one near a college I taught at and I would bring the guest speakers there to review the night's presentation. Then we would go over to campus.  It was quick, tasted good and had healthy food compared to many restaurants.

    Last Saturday we eat at another establishment; it was  next to a Chipotle and Chipotle wasn't busy. Not a surprise. I could use Chipotle has a marketing case. One of the the reasons is their ongoing E. coli investigation and supply chain plus partner review.

    A little background:
    Chipotle has 1900 restaurants.
    With health-conscious, price-sensitive diners, Chipotle was experiencing double-digit sales growth for years, Its supply chain was complex and was dealing with dozens of small,independent farmers

    Now under the 9P's of  Marketing Chipotle has “Place”/Distribution and Supply Chain problems. Add "Planning" and research problems; Presentation problems; sales declines; Product issues

    Chipotle stopped serving pork; the company stopped using one of its Partners who had violated the company’s standards on how animals should be raised and fed without the use of hormones or antibiotics. But that isn't their biggest problem it's trying to solve its supply and health issues.

    Chipotle has a new program called "Farm to fork." It's a good mix of unfortunate problems which could help students learn Marketing principles, in real time.

    Visit here for more insights and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

    I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

    The Nine P's/9P's help identify marketing problems in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's are insightful. In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

    I consult and teach using the concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

    In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:

    • Planning
    • People 
      • It's about Segmentation and Targeting, especially in the fast-food industry. 
      • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
      • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
    • Product 
    • Place (Distribution) 
    • Price
    • Promotion: 
      • Chipotle is using many of these elements under Promotion to help solve their perception problem or problems.
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, 
      • Promotion: 
        • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
          • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
          • Advertising
          • Sales Promotion
          • Collateral Materials
          • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
          • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
          • Events and Experiences-
          • Public Relations
    • Partners: It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies. Great example here. Long-term damage from Partners not on the same page as Chipotle.
    • Passion
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

    Monday, December 21, 2015

    Records Were Broken: Four Records Broken By “Stars War: The Force Awakens” This Past Weekend.

    There was so much "Promotion," with eight components plus "Planning," under the Nine P's of Marketing for Star Wars leading up to this weekend. 

    Under "People" or Targeting, more men than women went. It was men making up the bulk of the audience with 58% for the opening weekend ticket goers. It was a huge weekend for Star Wars fans and theatre chains. 
    • Record, Number One: Selling more than $100 million of advance tickets. 
    • Record, Number Two: Its opening weekend gross of $238 M flew past the previous high of $208.8 M with last summer’s “Jurassic World.” 
    • Record, Number Three: With global reach, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” hit the second-biggest opening in history, earning $517 M worldwide, behind only JW’s $525 M.  It could have been the biggest opening weekend but in China it doesn’t premiere until January 9th. .
    • Record, Number Four: Theatres unfortunately established costume policies, with many chains outlawing masks and blasters.
    Plus when was the last time you heard about ticket scalping at the movies?  Scalpers even sold tickets to prime show times. 

    And I found this about salaries: The Daily Mail found a report that Harrison Ford was paid $25 M. The new stars of John Boyega and Daisy Ridley were paid in the range of $100-300K.

    Visit here for more insights and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

    I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

    The Nine P's/9P's help identify marketing problems in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's are insightful. In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

    I consult and teach using the concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

    In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:

    • Planning
    • People 
      • It's about Segmentation and Targeting. Which segments will go back to enhance the boxoffice numbers. I was it on Friday and not sure I would see it again. 
      • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
      • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
    • Product 
    • Place (Distribution) 
    • Price
    • Promotion: 
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, 
      • Promotion: 
        • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
        • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
        • Advertising
        • Sales Promotion
        • Collateral Materials
        • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
        • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
        • Events and Experiences-
        • Public Relations
    More questions under Promotion:

      • What should they promote, after the big weekend? 
      • To whom should they promote? More family business?
      • What economic and discount levels should the chains offer? 
      • What form of promotion should they offer? What features? There surely was a ton of pubilicty anbd sales promotion.
      • How frequent?

    • Partners: Tons of partners, too. It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
    • Passion
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

    Saturday, December 19, 2015

    It's Not "Star Wars" Or "Star Trek," But It's "Toy Story." Interesting Bits Of Information.

    This adorable movie for both children and adults and targeted to children and adults with "People," one of the elements in the Nine P's of Marketing. 

    It's the story of a cowboy doll (Woody) who is is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman figure (Buzz) supersedes him as the number one or top toy in a boy's bedroom. .
    1. Twenty Year Anniversary this year.
    2. Ground breaking Disney-Pixar or is it Pixar-Disney movie?
    3. Billy Crystal turned down the part (Buzz Lightyear which his original name was Lunar Larry). finally played by Tim Allen. After seeing the finished film, Crystal said that the decision was the biggest mistake of his career. Upon learning this, John Lasseter telephoned Billy's house to offer him the role of Mike Wazowski in Monsters, Inc. (2001).
    4. Toy Story was the first feature-length film made entirely using computer animation.
    Visit here for more insights and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

    I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

    The Nine P's/9P's help identify marketing problems in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's are insightful. In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

    I consult and teach using the concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

    In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:

    • Planning
    • People 
      • It's about Segmentation and Targeting. 
      • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
      • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
    • Product 
    • Place (Distribution) 
    • Price
    • Promotion: 
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, 
      • Promotion: 
        • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
        • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
        • Advertising
        • Sales Promotion
        • Collateral Materials
        • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
        • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
        • Events and Experiences-
        • Public Relations
    More questions under Promotion, with price increases:
    What should we promote?
    To whom should we promote?
    What economic and discount levels should we offer?
    What form of promotion should we offer? What features?
    How frequent?

    • Partners: It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
    • Passion
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

    Eight Components, Under Promotion In The Nine P’s Of Marketing: Advertising, PR, Beer And The Biggest, Ugliest Sweater.

    It starts with "Planning," under the 9P's of Marketing, add promotional elements, Times Square, plus OOH (Out of Home) work and placements on buses, boards, and subway stops.

    It's promotion in Times Square. It's an iconic place with plenty of promotion and advertising. Signs everywhere.

    In this example it's an entire sign is central, with an ugly holiday sweater, promoting Miller Lite beer.  

    Here's the promotional recipe:

    • Add beer; an advertising agency (TBWA/Chiat Day); "Promotion," in the nine P’s of marketing; advertising;  ugly sweater; Advertising Week in Manhattan,; the Outdoor Advertising Association of America. Add PR stories.
    Visit here for more insights and true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.

    I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing.

    The Nine P's/9P's help identify marketing problems in a number of areas and help develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's are insightful. In Marketing. the "Customer," or potential customers are king, but are missing in the 4P's.

    I consult and teach using the concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

    In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:

    • Planning
    • People 
      • It's about Segmentation and Targeting. 
      • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix." Almost every diagram includes the four P's with "Consumer" or "People" or "Potential Buyers" in the middle of the circle. There needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." 
      • "People," market segments utilizing demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics are a vital component of the 9P's. Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target this market segment.
    • Product 
    • Place (Distribution) 
    • Price
    • Promotion: 
      • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, 
      • Promotion: 
        • Eight (8) major, strategic components: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which include:
        • Personal Selling/ Sales Force
        • Advertising
        • Sales Promotion
        • Collateral Materials
        • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising
        • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media 
        • Events and Experiences-
        • Public Relations
    More questions under Promotion:

      • What can we promote? 
      • To whom should we promote? 
      • What economic and discount levels should we offer? 
      • What form of promotion should we offer? What features? 
      • How frequent?

    • Partners: It is important to partner with firms that have similar corporate philosophies, who have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
    • Passion
    For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 37+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.