Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Last February It Was Post Malone. Now Who Are The Two Rappers Selling Beer?

All front and center. Selling "Product," under the nine P's of Marketing. It’s both an art and science.”

Last February it was Budweiser using And Post Malone who starred in their 2020 Super Bowl spot launching Bud’s Light Seltzer.

We have celebrity Snoop Dogg selling and promoting Corona on the beach with the line “La Vida Mas Fina.”

We have celebrity Big Sean Tall Boy selling and promoting Budweiser with their 25-oz. The difference Big Sean has limited distribution “place” under the 9P’s in Michigan. Budweiser’s line is “You’re the chosen one, show the world they made the right choice.”

Here are some important questions for any brand manager to ask?
Major questions any brand manager or marketing manager should ask?
  • Do you pay the celebrity their fee, which will decrease media exposure/expenses?
  • What about the history and future of the celebrity exposure?  What about “after hour” behavior, any criminal record, FTC issues? Health? How much is the fee?
  • Is the celebrity appropriate for your product or service? What about introducing a new product? 
  • Does celebrity add or subtract from the product or service?  
  • Does the celebrity add value? Or generate a good impression? Sell product? 
  • It used to be about "gut feelings." Now brand managers are asking “Show me the evidence that this is the right star or celebrity.”
  • Does the celebrity add to the product’s image?
  • How is the contract structured?
  • Be sure celebrity uses and continues to use the product?

Be sure the facts about the product are true and substantiated, before giving script to celebrity.

You must disclose if the star or celebrity has considerable interest in the company or product.

For more on insights, ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007

Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 40+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.  

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Why A 94-Year-Old Parade Became A TV Show?”

The branding, TV show and magic of the Macy’s Day parade on NBC will be different this year.

Over Thanksgiving, it's about Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the reason it will be more a show. It’s about the Covid-19 pandemic; it's changed everything.  

Marketing and branding opportunities must change with the times. They won't have many in the street and the performers must be over 18-years of age. 

To me it's about branding, and Susan Tercero, executive producer of the parade said: “The Macy’s Parade is our love letter and gift to the City of New York and the nation."

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade will be performances on NBC instead of a 2 ½ mile event.

In its 94th year the event and parade will be around midtown and its flagship store at Macy’s Herald Square.  How does a branding opportunity cost?  Promotional opportunities cost as much as $200K for the balloons and floats.

Do you need examples of strengthening your pillars of your brand or branding strategies?  

Do you have the responsibility and the need to increase sales and overall revenue?  

I consult, teach and work as a Marketing, Business and Advertising expert using many Marketing concepts, standards of practice and practices, including the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing in court.

Need a 
deep intuitive understanding into "real" Marketing?  
As a brand manager, entrepreneur, business owner or advertising agency professional, do you need deeper insights into business, Marketing and advertising? 

Visit here for plenty of insights into Marketing. 

I created the 9P's. It's a framework; it includes targeting or "People," planning, product and services, promotion, pricing, partnership strategies, "Place," Passion and Presentation. Plus true, researched marketing insights and fun, insightful, advertising trivia.

For the past 48 years, I have been a Marketing professional, a certified, credentialed Forensic Litigation consultant (CFLC), a Marketing and Advertising consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach and give seminars on Strategic Marketing, the nine P's of Marketing, Branding, Super Bowl spots, Global Marketing, Promotion and Advertising. 

I also present to MBA candidates, law schools and attorneys my  "What is Marketing? What is Advertising?" lecture and talk.  I have plenty of examples. It's interactive. I have been to UCLA School of Law and at Pepperdine University this semester. 

Twelve years ago, I created and own the marketing objectives, strategies and tactics practice of the 9P's of Marketing. T
he Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007 augments the Marketing Mix or the 4P's (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of a copyrighted Marketing concept. I've added "People," "Passion," "Planning" and "Partners" and "Presentation." 

In the late 60's I attended Marketing 307 at USC. I learned that the "customer," or potential purchasers, buyers are king or kings, but I discovered that potential consumers are missing as one of the P's. With the addition of "People," I expanded and developed the additional concepts under the nine P's. Look at first-time purchasers and repeat buyers. 

For marketing professionals, targeting or the "target market," "People," buyers, potential buyers and users are placed much more prominent in my marketing model and practice.  These potential buyers have their own "P."  It's "People," in the 9P's of Marketing. 

The utilization of the 9P's of Marketing help, develop and guide a company or a firm's marketing objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's can be truly insightful, in many ways and in many possible tactics and actions. I see opportunities where others see problems. These strategies and tactics will help build revenue, manage costs, more effectively. 

you and others may ask "What is Marketing?"  Marketing is a planning and execution process that involves a product or service's attributes, research, distribution, pricing, partnerships or alliances, promotion and more. 

In my presentations and talks, I detail that advertising is only a small percentage of the answers to marketing problems.  Advertising is a small part of Marketing. 

All of the Marketing activities and tasks must work together to assure successful marketing practices. Firms, associations and companies with the most effective marketing efforts try to thoroughly understand their potential buyers and customers ("People") in your marketplace. 

Companies and new product/service development pros create products and services to meet market needs. Solving consumer "problems." These firms and others use marketing research and channels for understanding and communicating to market segments, a target market or audience ("People" in the 9P's of Marketing).

In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing managers and brand agents develop planning, plans, objectives, strategies and tactics. 

For any size firm and new or old entrepreneurs, the 9P's of Marketing include important components, parts, elements, actions, tactics and efforts.  

Let's start with planning, research, one of the nine P's and also with targeting, "People," one of the other nine elements or components:

  • Planning or Simply Marketing Planning: 
    • Planning starts with research and researching. Simple or complex observations. 
    • This element of planning in the nine P's is a method for achieving an end, and, looking at the eight other parts; your insights can start a detailed formulation of a program or plan of action. I like using a phrase from Ben Franklin; he supposedly said "Failure to plan is planning to fail."
    • Look at developing and transforming marketing objectives into marketing strategies leading to tactics. Marketing management and managers must make basic decisions on marketing targets (“People”), marketing mix, pricing, distribution, marketing budgets/expenditures and marketing allocations. 
    • Review dividing the total marketing budget among the various tools in the marketing mix and for the various products, channels, promotion, media and sales areas. And there's more under the other 9Ps of Marketing
  • People 
    • This is targeting or "People;" it has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price. No "People." 
    • Place potentials "consumers" or "People" or "potential buyers" in the middle of a circle. Find information or data on them. Add the other components in the nine P's. In Marketing, from my education, training, research and analysis plus testimony, there needs to be greater focus on the buyer, "customer," or "People," in both planning and implementation.
    • Look and analyze your potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
    • To understand your "People" or your market segments, you may need to utilize many characteristics, including:
      • Demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class).
      • Geographics
      • Psychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values)
      • Behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and
      • Technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. 
      • Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
    • Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target a market segment or marketing segments.
    • Simply it's about Segmentation and Targeting. Add Positioning and you have STP, as a major first or second step, which may need your firm to do more research and planning. 
    • Product and Services: 
      • A product (service) is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that may satisfy a want or need.
      • It's the goods and service combination the firm offers to the target market, including variety of product mix, features, branding, designs, packaging, sizes, services, maintenance contracts, warranties and return policies.
    • Place (Distribution): 
      • Consider, develop and review store and non-store options, e-commerce and “brick and mortar” factors, geographic considerations, objectives, strategies and tactics, including with your “Partners, too.” 
      • It's your offering of the right PRODUCT at the right PLACE or location, at the right time, at the right price. It's the company’s activities that make the product available, using distribution and trade channels, roles, coverage, assortments, locations, inventory and transportation characteristics and alternatives.  
    • Price or Pricing:
      • Simply it's the amount of money a consumer is willing to pay to obtain the product.  But "price" is so much more. 
      • “Pricing” is the sum of the values that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service. 
      • Pricing decision making involves adjusting prices concerning the competitive environment, economic situations and may involve buyer perceptions. Simply, this component or element is all of the aspects regarding pricing
      • Pricing or "Price" also includes wholesale/retail/promotional prices, discounts, trade-in allowances, quantity discounts, credit terms, sales and payment periods and credit terms. 
    • Promotion: 
      • I teach and consult that there are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities, under "Promotion." . 
      • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
        • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons. Your sales force. 
          • Helpful consulting tip or hint: Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus this time helps you position your service/product/solution or offering, by understanding their needs and wants. 
        • Advertising is paid media. There's an expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
        • Sales Promotion
        • Collateral Materials
        • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
        • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
        • Events and Experiences
        • Public Relations/PR
      • Partners: 
        • I added Partners to the mix. Under Marketing, it's the working with others, firms and organizations which take part in an undertaking, using the 9P's, with another or others, in a business or function with shared risks and profits. Also referred to as Alliances. 
        • With "Partners" and your Marketing efforts, it is vitally important to partner and align with firms that have similar corporate philosophies. Simple but complex and difficult, have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
      • Presentation: 
        • This “P” or “Presentation” is the act of displaying, using, presenting, and putting forward any of your efforts utilizing the other 9P’s© and/or components to your customers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, sales force, marketing intermediaries, clients, employees, partners, and/or others.
        • Be sure to look and promote "real” product and service experiences. 
        • This "P" helps you enable consumers and “allowing” them to feel the brand. As part of "presentation," I also place “events and experiences” under Promotion. 
        • While traditional marketing is based on target audience impressions/ views/ clicks/ exposure, experimental marketing involves engaging with your potential consumers. 
      • Passion:
        • This "P" are those intense, driving or overmastering feelings, emotions in the planning, developing, implementing and executions of pricing, promoting, partnering, selling and overall marketing of products or services.

        For more on insights, ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007

        Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

        Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 40+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.  

        Monday, September 28, 2020

        In Last Few Months What Acronym Do You See And It's Related To The Workplace And More?

        It's everywhere. Related to Marketing, Promotion, the marketplace and the workplace.

        It's BIPOC.
        • It is an acronym, which stands for black, Indigenous and people of color.
        How could it be related to Marketing? Your customers and employees and in 2020, several important strategic philosophies and practices guide Marketing planning, branding concepts, Marketing variables/tools/promotion/efforts, and/or Marketing relationships/partnerships/ alliances. Also look at your partnerships and suppliers. People are seeing the world differently. 

        Activate these insights using all the characteristics of the different segments to all of your channels. 

        One of my 9P's is "People" and I breakdown target marketing in several ways. You could also have BIPOC representation in your advertising and customer mix.

        People/Prospects/Potential Purchasers/Purchasers (Target Market) 

        “People” is the concept of attracting, engaging and converting your potential customers or prospects (could be employees) from the beginning of the process to purchase. Could include the recruitment of employees

        It’s your set of buyers/purchasers (employees and leadership), which is named a “target market;” a set of buyers who share common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve. Market targeting can be carried out at several different levels. 

        Defining a target market requires market segmentation; the process of segmenting the entire market as a whole and separating it into manageable units based on:

        Demographics. Demographic market segmentation is looking at the potential or actual buyer’s age, family size, race, occupation, generation, religion, gender, family lifecycle, ethnicity, nationality, income, education, social class. Demographics may be segmented into several markets to help an organization target its consumers more effectively 

        Geographic segmentation could be nation, country, region, city, density, climate. Psychographics is the science of dividing into groups on psychological /personality traits, lifestyle, or values. People in the same demographic groups may be very different in their psychological profiles. Behavioral segmentation, marketers divide buyers into groups on the basis of knowledge of, attitude, use of or response to a product or service. User status could include occasions, nonusers, ex-users, readiness to buy and loyalty status. Could be enthusiast, traditionalist, or overwhelmed just to name three. 

        Technographics or technographical characteristics. Understanding your potential consumer. Remember, in the back of your mind, that the reason technology is phenomenal is because it displaces years, or centuries, of previous technology. Consumers may or may not have the skills. Think employees here too. The reason technology skills are transitory is because they will almost certainly be displaced, too.

        Sunday, September 27, 2020

        Welcome, Halloween Fans. This Year May Be Like No Other?

        Without COVID-19, Halloween would have had plenty of parties since this year, it’s Saturday night, October 31st.
        Second to Christmas, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF), Halloween is a $8 Billion holiday.

        It has appeared in past years that, with the exception of those who never turn on their lights for trick or treaters, more adults than ever celebrate this holiday.

        Retailers will display and feature Halloween products this year, targeted to all age groups. They have already ordered their wares this past summer, during the pandemic, hoping or begging, for sure, Halloween cash register rings.

        What will sell? In the past we’ve had:
        • Candy
        • Costumes
        • Halloween greeting cards
        • Screensavers
        • Joke items
        • Movies
        • Games
        • Halloween safety supplies.  

        But it’s hard to celebrate with masks. Or are you already  prepared your costume?  I found plenty of costumes celebrating Mulan, Space Force, Frozen II, Black Widow, Minions, Marshmello, and Baby Gizmo.

        In overall Halloween sales, this year may rival the depressing 2007-2010 financial meltdown. It’s not going to be safe going into neighborhoods, door to door.

        Investors and financial analysts know the retail October sales featuring Halloween will be bad, or low.

        What will the costumes be? Trump? Biden?  For sure not anything racially insensitive.

        One thing I’ve talked about in my classes is the fact that Halloween is now an adult reason to party.  Do a Google search for costumes and you may discover more references for adults than for little guys.

        Last year, adults were also looking beyond basic gear; the search term "sexy Halloween costume" has surged over the past several years.

        To kick off your Halloween party conversations, socially distancing, for sure, let’s do a little background.  In 731 A.D., November 1 was declared All Saints' Day (All Hallows Day). October 31 then became All Hallows Eve, in time shortened to "Halloween."   

        This is may be our weirdest annual celebration, and is even stranger than it seems. Celebrated all over the U.S., it isn’t patriotic or historical.  Unlike Easter, Passover or Christmas, Halloween is not associated with any specific religion, yet it weaves spirituality, life and death together with candy.

        Halloween had been getting more popular, infused with its symbols and scary stories.

        And while it spans all cultures now, some elements of Halloween have a distinctively Native American or Indian heritage.  Unknown to Europeans before Columbus, the pumpkin is one major symbol or image, along with squash, beans and maize. Corn appears in the form of candy corn and the corn stalks used to decorate porches and tables.  The original European jack-o'-lantern, interestingly, was a turnip. Grocers must have loved those additional sales.

        Halloween activities are related to early American harvest festivals, with apple bobbing, hayrides, and games to find a date. The custom of trick or treating was introduced to lessen the number of pranks even in the most conservative rural communities.  The words “Trick or Treat” didn’t appear in the files of Merriam-Webster until the early forties and the practice coincided with population shifts from rural to urban and suburban developments.

         One overriding concept will be: It may not be Halloween without its cartoon characters, monsters and ghosts that will frighten moms--- No, it will be the fear of Covid-19 or of disappointing their little monsters.  

        Need a deeper intuitive understanding into "real" Marketing?  

        As a brand manager, entrepreneur, business owner or advertising agency professional, do you need deeper i
        ntuitive understandings into business activities, Marketing and advertising? 

        Visit here for plenty of observations and insights into "real" Marketing. 

        I created the 9P's. It's a Marketing framework; it includes multiple strategies and tactics including targeting or "People," planning, product and services, promotion, pricing, partnership actions, "Place," "Passion" and "Presentation." Plus true, researched 
        marketing insights, understandings and fun, insightful, advertising trivia.

        For the past 48 years, I have been a Marketing professional, a certified, credentialed Forensic Litigation consultant (CFLC), a Marketing and Advertising consultant with 
        Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach and give seminars on Strategic Marketing, the nine P's of Marketing, Branding, Super Bowl spots, Global Marketing, Promotion and Advertising. 

        Let's start with planning, research, one of the nine P's and also with targeting, "People," one of the other nine elements or components:
        • Planning or Simply Marketing Planning: 
          • Planning starts with research and researching. Simple or complex observations. 
          • This element of planning in the nine P's is a method for achieving an end, and, looking at the eight other parts; your insights can start a detailed formulation of a program or plan of action. I like using a phrase from Ben Franklin; he supposedly said "Failure to plan is planning to fail."
        • People 
          • This is targeting or "People;" it has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price. No "People." 
            • Demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class).
            • Geographics
            • Psychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values)
            • Behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and
            • Technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. 
            • Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
        • Product and Services: 
        • Place (Distribution): 
        • Price or Pricing:
        • Promotion: 
          • I teach and consult that there are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities, under "Promotion." . 
            • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons. Your sales force. 
            • Advertising is paid media. 
            • Sales Promotion
            • Collateral Materials
            • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
            • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
            • Events and Experiences
            • Public Relations/PR
        • Partners: 
        • Presentation: 
        • Passion:
        For more on insights, ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007

        Specifically you will find them detailed at 
        9P’s/Nine P’s.

        Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to 
        Marketing Trivia with 40+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.  

        Saturday, September 26, 2020

        With the Movie "Roman Holiday," Using Marketing, Product And Presentation? All in Black and White?

        Make sure the product or movie is excellent.  You can learn form history and it's black, white and not in color for a reason. 
        Developing a strong film or brand is a product and a byproduct. It comes from doing all the other things..right.  
        From 1953, did you know it was the director's choice to focus on the story and the characters of Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck when he choose black and white in the shooting of "Roman Holiday" 

        Yes, it was William Wyler, who didn't want to focus on the location, which was actually Rome. 

        Be sure the company, director and others are taking good care of their stars and having the right planning and targeting, the right product, right price, right promotion, right partners, right presentation, with the right amount of Passion in the 9P’s.

        When I look at "Presentation," I look at “real” product and service experiences.

        “Presentation” is the act of strategically presenting any of the different 9P’s© and/or components to your customers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, sales force, marketing intermediaries, clients, employees, partners, and/or others.

        They may be symbols or images that represent something; a descriptive or persuasive account (as a sales person of the product or service). Something set forth f
        or the attention of the mind.

        Need a deeper intuitive understanding into "real" Marketing?

        As a brand manager, entrepreneur, business owner or advertising agency professional, do you need deeper intuitive understandings into business activities, Marketing and advertising?

        Visit here for plenty of observations and insights into "real" Marketing.

        I created the 9P's. It's a Marketing framework; it includes multiple strategies and tactics including targeting or "People," planning, product and services, promotion, pricing, partnership actions, "Place," "Passion" and "Presentation." Plus true, researched marketing insights, understandings and fun, insightful, advertising trivia.

        For the past 48 years, I have been a Marketing professional, a certified, credentialed Forensic Litigation consultant (CFLC), a Marketing and Advertising consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach and give seminars on Strategic Marketing, the nine P's of Marketing, Branding, Super Bowl spots, Global Marketing, Promotion and Advertising.

        Let's start with planning, research, one of the nine P's and also with targeting, "People," one of the other nine elements or components:

        • Planning or Simply Marketing Planning:
          • Planning starts with research and researching. Simple or complex observations. This element of planning in the nine P's is a method for achieving an end, and, looking at the eight other parts; your insights can start a detailed formulation of a program or plan of action. I like using a phrase from Ben Franklin; he supposedly said "Failure to plan is planning to fail."
        • People
          • Movie goers. 
          • This is targeting or "People;" it has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price. No "People." 
          • Demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class).
          • Geographics
          • Psychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values)
          • Behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and
        • Technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills.
          • Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
        • Product and Services:
        • Place (Distribution):
        • Price or Pricing:
        • Promotion:
          • I teach and consult that there are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities, under "Promotion." . 
          • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons. Your sales force.
          • Advertising is paid media.
          • Sales Promotion
          • Collateral Materials
          • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
          • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:
          • Events and Experiences
          • Public Relations/PR
        • Partners:
        • Presentation:
        • Passion:
        For more on insights, ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007.

        Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

        Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 40+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

        Thursday, September 24, 2020

        To Binge Or To Savor: Looking Back On Netflix' Strategy And They Became Part Of History of TV

        I’m reading the Reed Hastings' or Reed Hastings with co-author Erin Meyer)s new book, “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention."

        I was thinking and reviewing "Product," under the 9P’s and specifically Netflix’s shift from other people’s and studio movies and/or TV to their own programing starting with “House of Cards.”

        I loved “House of Cards” but the last two seasons not as much. There were six seasons:  Season 1 (2013); Season 2 (2014); Season 3 (2015); Season 4 (2016); Season 5 (2017) and Season 6 (2018).

        So in 2013, Netflix released the entire Season 1 of 13 episodes, at once.

        They traded the social media buzz and a weekly viewing time slot for “Product.” House of Cards could be binged. That product and marketing strategy worked.

        Now a piece of TV history.

        Need a deeper intuitive understanding into "real" Marketing?  

        As a brand manager, entrepreneur, business owner or advertising agency professional, do you need deeper intuitive understandings into business activities, Marketing and advertising? 

        Visit here for plenty of observations and insights into "real" Marketing. 

        I created the 9P's. It's a Marketing framework; it includes multiple strategies and tactics including targeting or "People," planning, product and services, promotion, pricing, partnership actions, "Place," "Passion" and "Presentation." Plus true, researched marketing insights, understandings and fun, insightful, advertising trivia.

        For the past 48 years, I have been a Marketing professional, a certified, credentialed Forensic Litigation consultant (CFLC), a Marketing and Advertising consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach and give seminars on Strategic Marketing, the nine P's of Marketing, Branding, Super Bowl spots, Global Marketing, Promotion and Advertising. 

        Let's start with planning, research, one of the nine P's and also with targeting, "People," one of the other nine elements or components:

        • Planning or Simply Marketing Planning: 
          • Planning starts with research and researching. Simple or complex observations. 
          • This element of planning in the nine P's is a method for achieving an end, and, looking at the eight other parts; your insights can start a detailed formulation of a program or plan of action. I like using a phrase from Ben Franklin; he supposedly said "Failure to plan is planning to fail."
        • People 
          • This is targeting or "People;" it has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price. No "People." 
            • Demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class).
            • Geographics
            • Psychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values)
            • Behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and
            • Technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. 
            • Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
          • Product and Services: 
          • Place (Distribution): 
          • Price or Pricing:
          • Promotion: 
            • I teach and consult that there are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities, under "Promotion." . 
              • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons. Your sales force. 
              • Advertising is paid media. 
              • Sales Promotion
              • Collateral Materials
              • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
              • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
              • Events and Experiences
              • Public Relations/PR
            • Partners: 
            • Presentation: 
            • Passion:

              For more on insights, ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007

              Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

              Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 40+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.  

              Wednesday, September 23, 2020

              Need A Unique Event? Rent A Movie Theatre Screening For A Night

              Yes, rent a theatre for a showing. For a movie in Santa Monica at the Laemmle it's $800 for 29 people, but you get the entire theatre. With Coronavirus and Covid-19 they could use the business. 

              Kind of pricey at $26 a ticket but you can show off for your family and friends. Social distancing will need to be practiced. 

              It's "Place" and "Product," under the nine P's of Marketing.

              Do you have the responsibility and the need to increase sales and overall revenue, for your products and services?  

              Do you need a better understanding of all areas of Marketing? My nine P's of Marketing give you a framework for understanding and success. 

              Do you need examples of strengthening your pillars of your brand strategy?  Branding?   

              I consult, teach and work as a Marketing, Business and Advertising expert using many Marketing concepts, standards of practice and practices, including the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing in court.

              As a brand manager, entrepreneur, business owner or advertising agency professional, do you need more business, Marketing and advertising insights? 

              Visit here for plenty of insights into Marketing. 

              The 9P's is a framework I created while working, teaching and consulting.

              The nine P's include targeting or "People," planning, product and services, promotion, pricing, partnership strategies, "Place," Passion and Presentation. Plus true, researched marketing insights and fun, insightful, advertising trivia.

              For the past 48 years, I have been a Marketing professional, a certified, credentialed Forensic Litigation consultant (CFLC), a Marketing and Advertising consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach and give seminars on Strategic Marketing, the nine P's of Marketing, Branding, Super Bowl spots, Global Marketing, Promotion and Advertising. 

              I also give and present to MBA candidates, law schools and attorneys my "What is Marketing? What is Advertising?" lecture and talk.  I have plenty of examples. This semester I presented at Loyola Law School, Pepperdine University and Woodbury University. 

              Twelve years ago, I created and own the marketing objectives, strategies and tactics practice of the 9P's of Marketing. T
              he Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007 augments the Marketing Mix or the 4P's (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of a copyrighted Marketing concept. I've added "People," "Passion," "Planning" and "Partners" and "Presentation." 

              In the late 60's I was first taught in Marketing 307 at USC that the "customer," or potential purchasers, buyers are king or kings, but potential consumers are missing as one of the P's. With the addition of "People," I expanded and developed the additional concepts under the nine P's. 

              For marketing professionals, targeting or the "target market," "People," buyers, potential buyers and users are more prominent in my marketing model or theory. These potential buyers have their own "P."  It's "People," in the 9P's of Marketing. 

              Marketing is considered an expense and especially at the end of the year, going into the fourth quarter may be one of the first line items cut by companies when they are facing difficulties in the marketplace and tightening budgets. 

              The utilization of the 9P's of Marketing helps, develops and guides a company or a firm's marketing objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The Nine P's can be truly insightful, in many ways and in many possible tactics and actions. 

              They will help build revenue, manage costs, more effectively. 

              you and others may ask "What is Marketing?" 

              Marketing is a planning and execution process that involves a product or service's attributes, research, distribution, pricing, partnerships or alliances, promotion and more. 

              In my Marketing presentations and talks, I detail that advertising is only a small percentage of the answers to marketing problems. All of the Marketing activities and tasks must work together to assure successful marketing practices. 
              Companies, firms and associations with the most effective marketing efforts try to thoroughly understand their potential purchasers, buyers and customers ("People") in your marketplace. 

              Companies and new product/service development pros create products and services to meet market needs. Solving consumer "problems." 

              These firms and others use marketing research and channels for understanding and communicating to market segments, a target market or audience ("People" in the 9P's of Marketing).

              In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing managers and brand agents develop planning, objectives, strategies and tactics. 

              For any size firm and entrepreneurs, the 9P's of Marketing include important components, parts, elements, actions, tactics and efforts.  

              Let's start with planning, research, one of the nine P's and also with targeting, "People," one of the other nine elements or components:
              • Planning as in Marketing Planning and Research: 
                • Planning starts with researching and research. 
                • This element of planning in the nine P's is a method for achieving an end, and, looking at the eight other parts; your insights can start a detailed formulation of a program of action. I like using a phrase Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said:“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
                • Look at developing and transforming marketing objectives into marketing strategies to tactics. 
                • Marketing management and managers must make basic decisions on marketing targets (“People”), marketing mix, pricing, distribution, marketing budgets/expenditures and marketing allocations. 
                • Review dividing the total marketing budget among the various tools in the marketing mix and for the various products, channels, promotion, media and sales areas. And there's more under the other 9Ps of Marketing
              • People 
                • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price.
                • Place "consumer" or "People" or "potential buyers" in the middle of a circle. Find information or data on them. Add the other components in the nine P's. In Marketing, from my education, training, research and analysis plus testimony, there needs to be greater focus on the buyer, "customer," or "People," in both planning ad implementation.
                • Look and analyze your potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
                • To understand your "People" or your market segments, you may need to utilize many characteristics, including:
                  • Demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality, social class (is also sometimes put under psychographics.)
                  • Geographics (By region, city, metro size, density, climate; plus, by countries and territories.)
                  • Psychographics (Social class--Lower lowers to Upper uppers. Social class is also under demographics; Lifestyle-- achievers, strivers, and strugglers; Personality-- Compulsive, gregarious, authoritarian, and ambitious; Lifestyles/Attitudes/Interests and Opinions)
                  • Behavioral (Occasions (regular occasions, special occasions, holidays, vacations); Orange juice for breakfast, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day; Benefits (quality, service, economy, convenience, speed---Quality, Time, Money); User status (nonuser, ex-user, potential user, first-time user, regular user); Usage rate (light, medium, heavy user); Loyalty status (none, medium, strong, absolute); Readiness attitude toward product (aware, interest, desire, intending to buy); Attitude toward product (enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative, hostile). 
                  • Technographics or technographical characteristics. Understand your potential consumer. Remember, in the back of your mind, that the reason technology is phenomenal is because it displaces years, or centuries, of previous technology. Consumers may or may not have the skills. Think employees here too. The reason technology skills are transitory is because they will almost certainly be displaced, too.  Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
                • Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target a market segment or marketing segments.
                • Simply it's about Segmentation and Targeting. Add Positioning and you have STP, as a major first or second step, which may need for your firm to do more research and planning. . 
                • Product and Services: 
                  • It's a product (service) is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
                  • It's the goods and service combination the firm offers to the target market, including variety of product mix, features, branding, designs, packaging, sizes, services, maintenance contracts, warranties and return policies.
                • Place (Distribution): 
                  • Consider, develop and review store and non-store options, e-commerce and “brick and mortar” factors, geographic considerations, objectives, strategies and tactics, including with your “Partners, too.” 
                  • It's your offering of the right product at the right PLACE or location, at the right time, at the right price. It's the company’s activities that make the product available, using distribution and trade channels, roles, coverage, assortments, locations, inventory and transportation characteristics and alternatives.  
                • Price or Pricing:
                  • Simply it's the amount of money a consumer is willing to pay to obtain the product.  But "price" is so much more. “Pricing” is the sum of the values that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service. 
                  • Pricing decision making involves adjusting prices concerning the competitive environment, economic situations and involve buyer perceptions. Simply, all aspects regarding pricing
                  • Pricing or "Price" also includes wholesale/retail/promotional prices, discounts, trade-in allowances, quantity discounts, credit terms, sales and payment periods and credit terms. 
                • Promotion: 
                  • I teach and consult that there are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities, under "promotion." 
                  • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
                    • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons. Your sales force. 
                      • Helpful consulting tip or hint: Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
                      • From the legendary movie Glengarry Glen Ross of '92: “A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. Always be closing.” 
                    • Advertising is paid media. There's an expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells."  People used to plan their lives around TV, now they plan television around their lives.
                    • Sales Promotion
                    • Collateral Materials
                    • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
                    • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
                    • Events and Experiences
                    • Public Relations/PR
                  • What some strategic questions under Promotion? 
                    • What should your company promote? Strategic copy points, for your product or service.
                    • Evaluate the eight different elements under Promotion and your brand's practices. Ask is there a better way? A different promotional mix. There has to be a better way. 
                    • What are your costs in dollars and manpower or person power? Ask "Is there a different way or ways to budget, your promotional dollars?" 
                    • Look at different strategic partners? Their costs?
                    • To whom should you target and promote? Under "People/"Targeting, target market, audience with media falls here. Have you noticed that you may watch what you want to watch in TV programming when you want to watch it and anywhere, any screen? That affects media planning. 
                    • You can differentiate with price. Discounting? Special sales? What economic and discount levels should you offer? Look at revenue versus costs. 
                    • What form or combination of promotion should you offer? Features?
                    • How frequent? Add media planning concern.  
                  • Partners: 
                    • Working with others and organizations which take part in an undertaking with another or others, in a business or company with shared risks and profits. Also referred to as Alliances. 
                    • With "Partners" and your Marketing efforts, it is vitally important to partner and align with firms that have similar corporate philosophies. Simple but complex and difficult, have agreed upon objectives and strategies.
                  • Presentation: 
                    • Be sure to look for "real” product and service experiences. 
                    • This “P” or “Presentation” is the act of displaying, using, presenting, and putting forward any of your efforts utilizing the other 9P’s© and/or components to your customers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, sales force, marketing intermediaries, clients, employees, partners, and/or others.
                    • This "P" helps you enable consumers and “allowing” them to feel the brand. As part of "presentation," I also place “events and experiences” under Promotion. 
                    • While traditional marketing is based on target audience impressions/ views/ clicks/ exposure, experimental marketing involves engaging with your potential consumers. 
                  • Passion:
                    • This "P" are those intense, driving or overmastering feelings, emotions in the planning, developing, implementing and executions of pricing, promoting, partnering, selling and overall marketing of products or services.
                    For more on insights, ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007

                    Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

                    Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 40+ stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.