Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Newsworthy. In California and USA: Concerning "Use by." "Sell by," "Packed by." "Best by." Legislation. Under my 9P's of Marketing: "Product"

Regarding  "Use by." "Sell by," "Packed by." "Best by." Legislation.

Just in. The first law of its kind. Huge impact on product labeling and Marketing of Products.

The California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill prohibiting "Sell By" labels to help reduce food waste. 

After July 1, 2026, the signed bill AB 660 will require retail stores to display "Packed On" labels on prepared food items. Plus product labels ("Product" under the Nine P's of Marketing) indicating the quality or safety — "Best By" or "Best If Used By" — will now be mandatory, according to this California legislation. The first in the country. 

By the way, "Use by" or "Freeze by" will be allowed on the labels to indicate the safety date of the item.

The new law will also limit the refrigerated shelf life of food goods to no more than 30 calendar days from packaging to consumption, except the time the product is maintained frozen, or the original safety date — whichever occurs first.

More info at https://patch.com/california/centurycity/s/izuhn/ca-bans-sell-by-labels-on-food-ending-consumer-confusion

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: 
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 64 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Weddings Are Expensive. Charging The Guests?

Weddings as a Profit and Loss statement or a business. Talk about "targeting," "Price" and "People," under the 9P's of Marketing.

Weddings are becoming more expensive that some couples are asking family and friends to pay to attend their nuptials.

One pair is charging guests $450 per person.

Per person!

Try not to make the national news. 

Problem solving. How about a smaller wedding?

Ask to bounce ideas off others.

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: 
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 64 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

If Advertisers Are Paying In Excess Of $7 to 7.5 Million For A Thirty Second Spot In Super Bowl 2025, How Much Was The Spot Costs in First Year 1967?

Let’s break this down.

Reductions in the cost of Super Bowl ad prices compared to the previous year’s rates are rare.   

Advertisers pay more for the first quarter. They pay less if they are negotiating for a package. They pay less if they are a regular NFL advertiser.

Last year was a record. The 2024 game drew 123.4 Million viewers across CBS’s, Paramount’s and Univision’s channels. This includes a record 120 Million on CBS alone, The cost of a :30 was around $7 Million. 

In 1967, a :30 spot cost $40K.

In 2025, it will be between $7 and 7.5 Million. For a couple of long-term, big advertisers the price could be in the high $6 Million. 

It’s on FOX this year.  New Orleans will be hosting for a record-tying 11th NFL Championship game, Super Bowl LIX, on February 9, 2025, at Caesars Superdome.

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: 
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 64 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Southwest's Going To Assigned Seating. It's About Listening To Their "People" And Building Revenue.

 I teach, consult and am an marketing and advertising expert witness.

I teach, consult and am an expert witness that under the 9 P's “People” is the concept of attracting, engaging and converting your potential customers or prospects from the beginning of the process to purchase.

An example of a signature product or service policy? What consumers were given. Unfortunately they weren't listening.   

More than 50 years. Some thought it was a competitive difference. Actually it wasn’t.

The number one reason chosen of why booking with one of their competitors.

Southwest Airlines stated “80% of Southwest(’s own) customers, and 86% of potential customers, prefer an assigned seat,” admitting that, "when a customer elects to stop flying with Southwest and chooses a competitor, open seating is cited as the number one reason for the change.

More than 50 years.

Part of “Product,” and “People, under the nine P’s of Marketing

On Southwest, open seating is now assigned seats.

And with the assigning seats, they will also offer premium seating with extra legroom.

It’s about listening to the customers and wanting to generate income. Premium seating is a significant sources of revenue.

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: 
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 64 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Coke And OREO Partnership Or Alliance, Using 9P's Of Marketing.

Two megabrands coming together.

I thought I'd feature "Partners" under the 9P's plus "Product. 

Have you seen the leaked photos? The articles. 

An Oreo cola drink and an Oreo which tastes like Coke.

Coca-Cola that tastes like Oreo cookies?

Oreos that taste like Coke? .

We have seen the logos working together. 

Some concepts, rules and observations. Under my nine P's, Partners/Strategic Alliances: Most times Marketers can’t create customer value and build customer relationships only by themselves. They work closely with partners and alliances outside the firm, and with other company departments (inside partners).

Partnerships and teams that feel a connection to the work and the purpose are going to speak far more passionately together and to your or their “people,” and with far more influence.

A partnership; the joint relationships, partnerships and strategic alliances: The relationship existing between two parties; a relationship resembling a legal partnership and usually involving close cooperation between parties having specific and joint rights and responsibilities as a common enterprise. Usually plural or “Partners,” not Partner. 

Ensure that there is excellent planned and natural alignment of internal and external agencies/partnerships/alliances around common goals and purposes. They should be moving toward shared goals or goals.

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: 
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 64 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Questions On Why They Are Called "Soap Operas?"

Simple answer it was the soap manufacturers who wanted the brand integration in daily serials aimed at females. The target market for soap purchasers.

Who were the soap operas targeting or aimed at? First think of the sponsors. Soap companies, such as Proctor and Gamble, with Ivory Soap, Tide, Joy; Colgate-Palmolive, with Colgate toothpaste and Lever Brothers, with Lifebuoy and Pepsodent. Aimed at females and housewives

How far back to the soap operas run? Some think the 50’s from TV but on radio, In the early 30s, Proctor & Gamble pioneered the production of a new type of daytime radio entertainment. 

These were dramatic serials called “soap operas,” because the soap manufacturers and advertisers sponsored them. A real form of brand and product integration.

Oldest running soap opera? General Hospital, since 1963.

Some of the most famous were even on Primetime?
  • “The Bold and the Beautiful” 
  • “The Young and the Restless” 
  • “All My Children“ 
  • “Melrose Place" 
  • “Dynasty"
  • “General Hospital"
  • “Dallas”

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: 
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 64 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

Friday, June 14, 2024

One Of The Most Important First Steps In Brand Strategies: Knowing Your People And Potential Purchasers And Actual Consumers

 Knowing your people.

People/Prospects/Potential Purchasers/Purchasers (Target Market) :

“People” is the concept of attracting, engaging and converting your potential customers or prospects from the beginning of the process to purchase.

Companies have collected information and data for as long as I have taught marketing. As a marketing professional, brand manager, client or marketing manager start by connecting the dots about your potential consumers, actual consumers and users.

You want to acquire or find prospects and nurture them with your Marketing variables.

Marketing research has come to the forefront, as organizations are tapping into customer data and consumer insights not only to better connect with their “People,” target markets/audiences, but also to develop the “right,” winning business strategies.

The information on potential and actual buyers or purchasers starts with accurate, comprehensive data that works across all channels to help the company identify buyer and audience attributes to target precisely. o

It’s your set of buyers/purchasers, which is named a “target market;” a set of buyers who share common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve. Market targeting can be carried out at several different levels. o Activate these insights using all the characteristics of the different segments to all your channels. o A target market is a particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed.

 A product or service focusing on a specific target market contrasts sharply with one following the marketing strategy of mass marketing. In our analysis and thinking, a target audience would be a media term; target market is a marketing term.

Another term used is “personas.” These are fictional characters or potential users which you create based upon your research to represent the different user types that might use your service, product, site or brand in a similar way.

Creating personas will help you to understand your users' needs, experiences, behaviors and goals.

So important…the defining a target market or persona requires market segmentation; the process of segmenting the entire market as a whole and separating it into manageable units based on:

▪ Demographics. Demographic marketing segmentation is looking at the potential or actual buyer’s age, family size, race, occupation, generation, religion, gender, family lifecycle, ethnicity, nationality, income, education, social class. The demographics may be segmented into several markets to help an organization target its consumers more effectively.

▪ Geographic segmentation could be nation, country, region, city, density, climate.

▪ Psychographics is the science of dividing into groups on psychological/personality traits, lifestyle or values. People in the same demographic groups may be very different in their psychological profiles.

▪ Behavioral segmentation, marketers divide buyers into groups based on knowledge of, attitude, use of or response to a product or service. User status could include occasions, nonusers, ex-users, readiness to buy and loyalty status. Could be enthusiast, traditionalist, or overwhelmed just to name three.

▪ Technographics or technographical characteristics. Understanding your potential consumer. Remember, in the back of your mind, that the reason technology is phenomenal is because it displaces years, or centuries, of previous technology. Larry Steven Londre Marketing, IMC, Advertising, Promotion, Media and More. 2024 Edition 4 Consumers may or may not have the skills. Think employees here too. The reason technology skills are transitory is because they will almost certainly be displaced, too. ▪ Look at competing for the customers and not against your competition.

And don’t forget about your employees implementing this brand strategy or strategies.

The right Marketing belief or practice is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that should possess the minds of each individual employee of the company in trying to satisfy the consumer.

Marketers must work in a group dynamic, while having a clear focus on objectives, strategies, tactics and overall goals of the business.

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: 
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 64 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Fourth Of July Or Labor Day Isn’t Just About Hot Dog Eating Contests. Yikes, Nathan. It’s About Marketing And Celebrities, Too.

Holy or hold that ketchup and mustard.

How so?  

Well, Nathan’s is getting some negative publicity. Joe Chestnut, 16 time Nathan’s champion, signed a deal with a vegan rival to Nathan’s. This July 4th: He’s out of Coney Island’s Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. 

Nathan’s banned Chestnut from this year’s competition after he signed a deal with vegan (competitive) hot dog branded Impossible Foods.

So what does Netflix do? Another live event. 

They have a Labor Day Hot Dog eating contest on Netflix. Titled “Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef.”  It’s a marketing case and a competitive story.

Facing off this Labor Day: Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi, two of the world’s most famous competitive hot dog eaters, will nor participate in the ultimate hot dog-eating contest live on Netflix.  

The publicity has already begun. From ESPN: "Sponsor conflict keeping Joey Chestnut out of hot dog eating contest"

Promoting around June and July 4th is Netflix. In “Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef,” they “will determine the ultimate hot-dog-eating champion — in which the competitors will fight to eat the most all-beef hot dogs. ”

It’s a PR showdown. And who wins? Another live event on Netflix.

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: 
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 64 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hand-Picked By Me And One Of My Favorites. Have You Ever Noticed How Many Times "Hand-Picked," "Handcrafted" And "Hand-Selected" Or "Hand Picked" And Hand Made Are Now Used In Marketing And Promotion, Plus Advertising?

 It's about hands, and crafting marketing and promotional messaging and messages.

Just saw and hear on TV that Patron's Tequila  is "Hand made." 

Have you ever noticed how many times "hand-picked," "Handpicked," "hand crafted," handcrafted and "hand-selected" are now used in Marketing and Promotion, plus advertising?

I seem to spot it all the time and I keep updating this post, which is now in 2024. First published in June 2013.

I know it is used as a way to say “selected with great care," as for a special job or purpose; chosen. I keep updating this post by handcrafting it, with fingers from both hands, by adding new entries.

I haven't even started on "homemade." Or home sweet home. 

I keep adding to this list. Additional couple "hand" added by me.

Or hand•pick (ˈhændˈpɪk)

1. to pick by hand.
2. to select personally and with care.

Some examples:

  • "Larry, you've been hand-picked!" by Spectrum. I feel so pleased and happy in 2022.
  • "Hand Picked" Travel Deals from hotwire.com
  • BevMo has in April 2019: "Sips Hand Picked"
  • BevMo: "Hand selected" wines and spirits. Is that off the shelf or as "Place," or distribution under the nine P's of Marketing?
  • BevMo: "Handpicked Just For You—Football Season Sips!"
  • California Wine Club with their "handcrafted cabernets."
  • "Hand cut" fries at In-N-Out Burger. 
  • "Made by hand:" Tesla blamed "production bottlenecks" of the $35K, Model 3s, their $35,000 sedan . Or they used the phrase, "banged out by hand." 
  • Hand Crafted in America: Furstil's COCO Mats. "They are tailored to your vehicle. in our small US factory by great American workers." 
  • LivingSocial with its "Handpicked products, big savings on your favorite finds" 
  • Kamikoto, handmade blade crafted from high-quality Japanese steel knives 
  • "Nordstrom's "A Family of Handcrafted Coffees." 
  • Staples: "This offer was handpicked for you."
  • "Handcrafted reds made without compromise," from WSJ wines 
  • Blue Ice Vodka is the #1 selling "handcrafted," premium, American, potato vodka in the country. 
  • Powell & Mahoney's "handcrafted" cocktail mixers, including 1937 Original Recipe Margarita
  • CVS Pharmacy has "hand-picked" deals
  • Groupon has "Handpicked Getaways." They say they are worth leaving home for. 
  • Handcrafted soda or "Introducing soda made our way. By hand" Starbucks Fizzio.
  • Hand-crafted food from TGIFridays, or Fridays' HANDCRAFTED Food & Drink, Since 1965
  • TicketMaster's Upcoming events "hand-picked" for you 
  • “Handcrafted" Starbucks Refreshers Beverages
  • "Hand-Sliced" Avocados from El Pollo Loco
  • Top "Hand-Picked" Deals on dailydeals.com
  • 100 "Handpicked" Cruise Deals from cruisecritic.com
  • Pinkberry's "Handcrafted Yogurt Bar" pinkberry.com
  • "Handcrafted" ice cream flavors by Afters
  • "Handpicked" videos, delivered daily from topappcharts.com
  • Kentucky Fried Salad. Chicken tenderloins, "hand breaded" and fried golden, over mixed greens
  • Coffee from Einstein Bros. Bagels with their "hand harvested" 100% Arabica beans
  • Hand Picked Tomatoes, an Internet marketing company
  • True Religion's "Be bold with your denim style in this "Hand Picked" piece"
  • Handcraft, artisan collection of wine from Tradition.
  • Bev-Mo with their hand-selected wines
  • Ticketmaster, "Upcoming events hand-picked for you."
  • Hand-picked products at LivingSocial. This one is bizarre. Not sure on 8/3/2014 why they at LivingSocial picked those words or copy. Again on 5/27/2015: "Hand-picked" products by Livingsocial.com
  • CVS with it's "handpicked" deals. Actually after you click on the CVS site it follows you to hand pocket and some wipes.  
  • Tito's Handmade Vodka (Forbes and WSJ ran stories about how Tito's handmade vodka has gone from a sixteen gallon pot to 26 acre operation and produced 850K cases last year; they bottle 500 cases an hour.)
  • Hopdoddy restaurants uses "handmade" syrups, as in "all of our syrups are handmade." Just opened in El Segundo and coming to Playa Vista. They have "hand crafted" beers, burgers and more.
Adding "sips handpicked"  promoted by BevMo.

And if that is not enough, Groupon is now offering "Hand off" deals. Really? Hopdoddy restaurant uses "handmade" syrups, as in "all of our syrups are handmade."

I found something even weirder or stranger. It's not hand picked but picked by cats. Or kittens? Groupon says with some humor: "Our Cat Recommends These Deals..."

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I am an experienced, senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing--Planning, People, Product, Place, Price, Promotion, Partners, Passion and Presentation to solve Marketing and business problems and create Marketing opportunities

I own a copyright for these Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the 1960's Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing. It's sixty years later and we are in the digital age. 

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. The nine P's were created for the digital age. 

Under and with Marketing, the "customer" or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning or teaching components of the 9P's. Helping create opportunities, solve problems, increase sales. Cut costs. 

I consult and teach using these Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
  • Product and Services
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price or Pricing 
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: You may not know that Google, Facebook and Amazon attract 46 cents of every dollar spent by advertisers. Think about this expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR
  • Partners/Alliances
  • Presentation: 
    • The act or acts of strategically presenting any of the different 9P’s© and/or components to your customers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, sales force, marketing intermediaries, clients, employees, partners, and/or others. 

      Presentation aspects may be signs, symbols or images that represent something; a descriptive or persuasive account (as a sales person of the product or service). Something set forth for the attention of mind of your targets ("People") and media audiences.

  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC

Thursday, June 06, 2024

When I Think About Design....

When I think about design I think about the "art" in copy and art. I think about art directors and designers.

Some of my ideas in understanding design are:

  1. The purpose of design is to make the ordinary, extraordinary. Let it standout on the retail shelves. Design better web pages. 
  2. Good design can be planned but great, extraordinary design just happens. 
  3. Design the right things and design the things right. 

But when I think about designers it could be designing a better product. Coming up with a different marketing research project.

Designing better pricing, Developing a better distribution plan, as in "Place," in the 9P's of Marketing. It could ne determining a better presentation of your brand. Reaching out to a new "partner." Coming up with better "targeting, under "people." 

There are many ways to look at design, under the 9P's.

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: 
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to LondreMarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s

For more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 64 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.