Welcome, Halloween, and Marketing fans. Halloween has been getting more popular, infused with its symbols and scary stories.
This year will be like no other. Plus, last year ---what could have been? Halloween would have had plenty of parties since it was Saturday night, October 31st. Hey, again on a Saturday. Hey.

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), Halloween is usually a $8 Billion holiday of spending. It’s been reported as our second highest holiday in spending, after Christmas. It has appeared in past years that, with the exception of those who never turn on their lights for trick or treaters, more adults than ever celebrate this holiday. Party time?
Last year, candy companies hadreceived some stop or "don't send me so much" orders since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The pandemic affected shopping and there will be less candy looking like Halloween items because if they don't sell they will have to be discounted.
Brand manager and shoppers making decisions. Two sides of the Marketing equation.
I see more candy for families and less of those individually-wrapped candies at the stores. parents and others ae still thnking about Halloween?
Retailers will display and feature Halloween products this year, targeted to all age groups.
Again tough timing. Difficult decision making. Retailers have already ordered their wares this past spring and summer, during the pandemic, hoping or begging, for sure, that their Halloween cash registers rings.
What will sell?
In the past we’ve had Halloween movies, greeting cards, screensavers, joke items, party supplies, costumes, games, as well as Halloween safety supplies. But it’s hard to celebrate with masks. Or are you already prepared your costume? I found plenty of costumes celebrating Squid Game characters, Adult Barbie, Mulan, Frozen II, Black Widow, Minions, Marshmello, and Baby Gizmo.
In overall Halloween sales, this year may rival the depressing 2007-2010 financial meltdown. It may not be as safe going into neighborhoods, door to door.
Investors and financial analysts know the retail October sales featuring Halloween will be bad, or low.But may not be as bad as last year.
What will the costumes be? Biden? For sure not anything racially insensitive.
One thing I’ve talked about in my classes is the fact that Halloween is now an adult reason to party. Do a Google search for costumes and you may discover more references for adults than for little guys.
Last year, adults were also looking beyond basic gear; the search term "sexy Halloween costume" has surged over the past several years.
To kick off your Halloween party conversations, socially distancing, for sure, let’s do a little background. In 731 A.D., November 1 was declared All Saints' Day (All Hallows Day). October 31 then became All Hallows Eve, in time shortened to "Halloween."
This is may be our weirdest annual celebration, and is even stranger than it seems.
Halloween is celebrated all over the U.S., it isn’t patriotic or historical. Unlike Easter, Passover or Christmas, Halloween is not associated with any specific religion, yet it weaves spirituality, life and death together with candy.
And while it spans all cultures now, some elements of Halloween have a distinctively Native American or Indian heritage.
Unknown to Europeans before Columbus, the pumpkin is one major symbol or image, along with squash, beans and maize. Corn appears in the form of candy corn and the corn stalks used to decorate porches and tables. The original European jack-o'-lantern, interestingly, was a turnip.
Grocers must have loved those additional sales.
Halloween activities are related to early American harvest festivals, with apple bobbing, hayrides, and games to find a date. The custom of trick or treating was introduced to lessen the number of pranks even in the most conservative rural communities.
The words “Trick or Treat” didn’t appear in the files of Merriam-Webster until the early forties and the practice coincided with population shifts from rural to urban and suburban developments.
One additional thought? The overriding concept will be: It may not be Halloween without its cartoon characters, monsters and ghosts that will frighten moms---No, it will be the fear of Covid-19 or of disappointing their little monsters.
With or without masks and vaccine/booster shots for the adults
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I created the 9P's. It's a Marketing framework; it includes multiple strategies and tactics including targeting or "People," planning, product and services, promotion, pricing, partnership actions, "Place," "Passion" and "Presentation." Plus true, researched marketing insights, understandings and fun, insightful, advertising trivia.
For the past 48 years, I have been a Marketing professional, a certified, credentialed Forensic Litigation consultant (CFLC), a Marketing and Advertising consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach and give seminars on Strategic Marketing, the nine P's of Marketing, Branding, Super Bowl spots, Global Marketing, Promotion and Advertising.
Let's start with planning, research, one of the nine P's and also with targeting, "People," one of the other nine elements or components:
- Planning or Simply Marketing Planning:
- Planning starts with research and researching. Simple or complex observations.
- This element of planning in the nine P's is a method for achieving an end, and, looking at the eight other parts; your insights can start a detailed formulation of a program or plan of action. I like using a phrase from Ben Franklin; he supposedly said "Failure to plan is planning to fail."
- People
- This is targeting or "People;" it has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price. No "People."
- Demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class).
- Geographics
- Psychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values)
- Behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and
- Technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills.
- Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing.
- Product and Services:
- Place (Distribution):
- Price or Pricing:
- Promotion:
- I teach and consult that there are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities, under "Promotion." .
- Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons. Your sales force.
- Advertising is paid media.
- Sales Promotion
- Collateral Materials
- Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
- Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:
- Events and Experiences
- Public Relations/PR
- Partners:
- Presentation:
- Passion:
For more on insights, ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to londremarketing.com and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007.