Brain researchers say they can make people more innovative by passing an electrical current through the prefrontal cortex of their brain. The effects are short-lived, however, according to a
Fast Company article.
Go to article. But if you are looking for a new look at brainstorming, read on.
Researchers such as legendary C.G. Suits, once chief of Research at GE said that nearly all the discoveries in research labs came as hunches during periods of relaxation, following periods of intensive thinking and fact gathering.
I believe that the workplace is really more about collaboration, brainstorming and getting things done to execute sales and deliver revenue. It's also important to realize, and I teach, that employees are one of your different target markets and audiences.
I want to be helpful. I am a senior Marketing professional, a Marketing teacher, and a Marketing Expert. I'll include some brainstorming tools; how some ideas can be developed using the Nine 9's/9P's ©2007.
What is Brainstorming?
How does it work? It's used a lot externally and internally at companies, in consulting, research, advertising and media companies. It is a planning and executional tool that helps companies and others to generate creative solutions/ideas to a problem.
There's a simple reason. When you want to break out of stale, established patterns of business strategies and tactics, involve others, so that you can develop new ways of looking at things. Used with your “team” brainstorming can help, if done with the right tools and strategies, to bring the diverse experience of all team members into play, CREATIVELY, during problem solving.
I teach that the major traits to understand and implement brainstorming are:
- Quantity of ideas is wanted. The greater the number of ideas, the better.
- Criticism is ruled out.
- Freewheeling is welcomed.
- Wilder the ideas, the more likelihood of winners. Key fact and hint: You need to build on them.
- Combination and improvement of the ideas are sought. Participants should suggest how ideas of others could be turned into better ideas.
- How two or more ideas can be joined into still another idea.
- One more: Notes must be taken and follow up meetings generated. Key fact and hint: This is forgotten in today’s brainstorming sessions and in my research was a critical element.
It’s important to have everyone together as much as possible. It’s beneficial and productive to bounce ideas around easily in person.
There’s a huge benefit in meetings and in the corridors to engage in conversation, share and build on concepts, ideas and strategies; there’s energy in that place. You can’t always do that with people in different locations. Ever try to be really part of a major “new concept," "new direction” meeting on the conference call? Especially when many others are in the room and on the call. But I am a big fan for making commitments and being flexible especially with at home mothers.
Here’s a bunch on the history of brainstorming. One of the pioneers in the field of creative thinking was Alex Osborne, an advertising executive in late ‘40’s. Osborn was a friend of J.P. Guilford, a psychologist.
Creative behavior was identified with key traits:
- Fluency: the ability to generate many ideas in a set period of time.
- Flexibility: the ability to rapidly free associate.
- Originality: the ability to express uncommon ideas.
- Awareness: the ability to see beyond the immediate facts.
- Drive: the willingness to try without fear of failure.
Recently in a new product development program I used these strategies and tactics. Later that week I explained them in a Marketing and Advertising seminar. I like going over these concepts and traits especially when I’m a guest speaker or consultant in Marketing.
In seminars, the classroom and consulting, I discuss and illustrate that Osborn developed manipulative verbs. He suggested that we all generate creative ideas by visualizing the subject in new and unique ways. His verbs suggest manipulating the subject in some way. Changing its size, function or position. His verb list is magnify, shorten, rearrange, alter, adapt, modify, substitute, reverse. And combine. Especially combine. Plus record.
Movement is a key principle behind the classic brainstorming. The ground rules of brainstorming are to generate as many ideas as you can, with no criticism, building on the ideas of others. Keep them and you moving along. Trying to solve a problem. Deliver solutions. .
I teach that specifically modern brainstorming is a weaker tool. It's not practiced right. While suspension of judgment and going for quantity is necessary for creative thinking it is not sufficient. I was told once that brainstorming is like looking at a situation of a man tied up with ropes, in a room with a piano. In his condition, the man obviously cannot play the musical instrument.
If someone cuts the ropes, will the man be able to play? Brainstorming is usually not practiced with much preparation. I believe that's a mistake. A BIG mistake. Brainstorming of today isn't effectively harvesting and executing the ideas generated. In the original study and readings, set up follow-up steps and tools to continue and complete the process.
Brainstorming is not a bad tool, but it is weak by itself. Brainstorming can be part of the development of your Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007 or in your development of the Nine P's, Marketing objectives, strategies and tactics. .
Visit here for more true Marketing and Advertising Trivia.
I am a Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC plus I teach Marketing and Advertising. I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P's ©2007, which augments the Marketing Mix and 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practices of Marketing. It helps identify marketing problems in a number of areas and helps develop marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. I consult and teach using the concepts and practices of the
Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.
In the study and practice of Marketing, Marketing and Brand Managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important components:
- People (Segmentation and Targeting)
- Product
- Place (Distribution)
- Price
- Planning
- Promotion
- Partners
- Presentation
- Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “
Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at
9P’s/Nine P’s.
Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to
Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at
Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.