Monday, May 31, 2021

It's About Supply-Chain Issues Or "Place," "Price" And "Product," Under 9P's Of Marketing

Price decreases at the start of the pandemic.

Price increases today.

With the signs of increasing inflation, we ae spending more and buying less.  We did in March and April, as we end May and go into June .

We've got the governmental stimulus checks driving demand. We've got the vaccination rates up and some pent-up demand. 

We are seeing supply chain issues. Just in Time (JIT) inventory isn't working when the components aren't available. 

I'm predicting vacation or travel costs will be up for families. 

What about cars and clothing in the fall. We have workers going back to the office and kids going back to school.

Prices are sneaking up.

More insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here

I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing. I own a copyright for the Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing.

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. 

In Marketing, the "customer," or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning components of the 9P's.

I consult and teach using the Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
    • To understand your "People" or market segments, you will need to or may need to utilize many characteristics, including demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class), geographicspsychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values), behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
    • Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target a market segment or market segments
    • It’s easy to market toward demographics, but brands can’t connect with people unless they learn how they think. By developing mindset-based marketing strategies, brand decision-making can better resonate with these segments, targets and audiences to increase consumer loyalty.
    • Brand managers need to look at at their customers and/or potential users. Do you understand your potential customer's purchase and usage touchpoints, their habits and how they engage with your brand? Competing for their attention? 
    • Place "consumers," "People" or "potential buyers" in the middle of a circle. Find information or data on them. Add the other components in the other nine P's.
    • Post Covid 19 pandemic, I'm seeing "People" want an exceptional buying experience, which includes ethics and the company’s values. People are caring about convenience, comfort, ethics, and sustainability.  Look at home delivery of meals and everything on Amazon and Walmart or Target.
    • “People” or consumers prefer to buy “Products” from brands that share their values and “purpose-driven” movements.
    • Targeting mindsets allows brands to connect with consumers on an emotional level, which positively affects brands’ bottom lines.
    • Consumer and shopping data, plus first-party data can also help brands identify what people find valuable and important. You need to know where they live, how they work and play?
    • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price.
    • In Marketing, from my education, training, research and analysis plus testimony, there needs to be greater focus on the buyer, "customer," or "People," in both planning ad implementation.
  • Product and Services
    • Under the 9P's, it's the goods and service combination the firm offers to the target market, including variety of product mix, features, branding, designs, packaging, sizes, services, maintenance contracts, warranties and return policies.
    • A product (service) is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price: 
    • Prices are creeping up. Just read the reports and studies by the Commerce Dept and the Fed. I’m finding that “People” or potential customers in my 9P’s, actual consumers are no longer buying “Products” and services based solely on “Price” and product quality.
    • An IBM study found that Nearly six in 10 consumers ("People") surveyed are willing to change their buying habits to reduce environmental impact. They found that over 70% would pay a premium of 35%, on average, for brands and products that are sustainable and environmentally responsible.
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: There's an expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR
    • Here are some strategic comments and questions under Promotion:
      • To whom should you target and promote? Under "People"/Targeting, target market, audience with media characteristics fall here.
      • What should you promote? Strategic copy points.
      • Evaluate the eight different elements under Promotion and your brand's practices. That affects media planning.
      • Ask is there a better way? A different promotional mix. There has to be a better way. 
      • What are your costs in dollars and manpower or person power? Ask "Is there a different way or ways to budget?" 
      • Look at different strategic partners? Their costs?
      • You can differentiate with price. Discounting? Special sales? What economic and discount levels should you offer? Look at revenue versus costs. 
      • What form or combination of promotion should you offer? Features?
      • How frequent? Add media planning here. 
  • Partners
  • Presentation: 
    • Consumers are voting with their wallet and pocketbook.
    • Some research says that consumers or my "People" care about business and their brands that have a social conscience (for the environment, for their workers, for societal issues, etc.). These "People" are actually prepared to pay more for these brands. They will support the brands that do, and ditch brands that don’t.
    • It's been reported that consumers or "people" are socially aware about how brands, products and businesses behave. 
    • Deloitte found that “62% of customers said that they are more likely to spend with companies who have taken extra steps to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees during lockdown.”
  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Looking At Promotion, BDI, LGBTQ+, Product Sales, Branding Or Presentation, And The Pride Month Of June?

I'm putting three or more marketing thoughts, strategies and tactics together. 

Next month, June or June first marks the beginning of LGBTQ Pride Month, which is usually celebrated with street festivals, events (experiences and events under Promotion, in my 9P's of marketing) and parties. This year won't be like last year with the Covid pandemic.

I'm feeling we will see more festivals and events for people and companies. 

Companies plan and execute marketing and promotional strategies on geographic areas. 

I put BDI in the headline. It relates and presents geographic planning. BDI stands for Brand Development Index, which relates to the percent of a brand's (company's/product's) sales in a geographic market to the percent of the U.S. population in that same geographic market. 

There's another marketing term CDI which stands for Category Development Index, which relates to the percent of a product category's sales in a geographic market to the percent of the U.S. population in that same geographic market.

Why bring this up? I just read of a Unilever promotion. They were using another ratio or equation. 

Their timing is Pride Month as June approaches.  Unilever’s promotion is to to bring change to five (5) small cities (geographic areas) which have been rated among the worst in the U.S. in terms of the “conditions” for LGBTQ+ people (segments of “people” which may be potential 
buyers of products such as Axe, Dove, Hellmann’s and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

Unilever picked their five cities among 17 which scored zero on the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index.

The index refers and rates everything from bullying to non-discrimination legislation.

Unilever and their third party “partner (RanaVerse)" picked: 

  • Monroe, Louisiana
  • Moore, Oklahoma
  • Clemson, South Carolina
  • Florence, Alabama
  • Cape Girardeau, Missouri
More insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here.

I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing. I own a copyright for the Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing.

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful.

In Marketing, the "customer," or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning components of the 9P's.

I consult and teach using the Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. Unilever is promoting nationally by selecting these five cities. 
    • To understand your "People" or market segments, you will need to or may need to utilize many characteristics, including demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class), geographicspsychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values), behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
    • Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target a market segment or market segments
    • It’s easy to market toward demographics, but brands can’t connect with people unless they learn how they think. By developing mindset-based marketing strategies, brand decision-making can better resonate with these segments, targets and audiences to increase consumer loyalty.
    • Brand managers need to look at at their customers and/or potential users. Do you understand your potential customer's purchase and usage touchpoints, their habits and how they engage with your brand? Competing for their attention? 
    • Place "consumers," "People" or "potential buyers" in the middle of a circle. Find information or data on them. Add the other components in the other nine P's.
    • Post Covid 19 pandemic, I'm seeing "People" want an exceptional buying experience, which includes ethics and the company’s values. People are caring about convenience, comfort, ethics, and sustainability.  Look at home delivery of meals and everything on Amazon and Walmart or Target.
    • “People” or consumers prefer to buy “Products” from brands that share their values and “purpose-driven” movements.
    • Targeting mindsets allows brands to connect with consumers on an emotional level, which positively affects brands’ bottom lines.
    • Consumer and shopping data, plus first-party data can also help brands identify what people find valuable and important. You need to know where they live, how they work and play?
    • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price.
    • In Marketing, from my education, training, research and analysis plus testimony, there needs to be greater focus on the buyer, "customer," or "People," in both planning ad implementation.
  • Product and Services
    • Under the 9P's, it's the goods and service combination the firm offers to the target market, including variety of product mix, features, branding, designs, packaging, sizes, services, maintenance contracts, warranties and return policies.
    • A product (service) is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price: 
    • I’m finding that “People” or potential customers in my 9P’s, actual consumers are no longer buying “Products” and services based solely on “Price” and product quality.
    • An IBM study found that Nearly six in 10 consumers ("People") surveyed are willing to change their buying habits to reduce environmental impact. They found that over 70% would pay a premium of 35%, on average, for brands and products that are sustainable and environmentally responsible.
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: There's an expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR
    • Here are some strategic comments and questions under Promotion:
      • To whom should you target and promote? Under "People"/Targeting, target market, audience with media characteristics fall here.
      • What should you promote? Strategic copy points.
      • Evaluate the eight different elements under Promotion and your brand's practices. That affects media planning.
      • Ask is there a better way? A different promotional mix. There has to be a better way. 
      • What are your costs in dollars and manpower or person power? Ask "Is there a different way or ways to budget?" 
      • Look at different strategic partners? Their costs?
      • You can differentiate with price. Discounting? Special sales? What economic and discount levels should you offer? Look at revenue versus costs. 
      • What form or combination of promotion should you offer? Features?
      • How frequent? Add media planning here. 
  • Partners
  • Presentation: 
    • Consumers are voting with their wallet and pocketbook.
    • Some research says that consumers or my "People" care about business and their brands that have a social conscience (for societal issues, the environment, for their workers, etc.). These "People" are actually prepared to pay more for these brands. They will support the brands that do, and ditch brands that don’t.
    • It's been reported that consumers or "people" are socially aware about how brands, products and businesses behave. 
    • Deloitte found that “62% of customers said that they are more likely to spend with companies who have taken extra steps to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees during lockdown.”
  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

Friday, May 28, 2021

With And Without Ads? Your Options For TV Programing Or Streaming Services Of Your Favorite Shows Or Programming?

Advertising falls under "Promotion," in my 9P's of Marketing. And in this example we are seeing ads or Promotion versus "Price." 

Streaming services are "Products." Buyers or viewers or potential viewers/buyers are "People." 

While Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Max and Disney+ don't have ads, the biggest thing to remember or understand is "Don't switch to one of these streaming services to only avoid the ads.

These services range from $6 per month for Hulu to $8 or $9 per month for Netflix, Amazon Prime an Disney+ to $15 for HBO Max. 

We are seeing that Peacock and Paramount+ will or may have some ads but at a lower fee.

You do have TV options. 

To save money you get some ads or a lot of ads and for the networks and streaming services to save the customers or "people" (potential customers) money and to make their monthly fee "reasonable" they make up revenue by charging advertisers.

It's being written about that the new WarnerMediaDiscovery would have approximately 80 Million paying subscribers, with HBO Max at 64M and Discovery at 15M. Netflix has 200M and Disney+ with 100M. 

More insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here

I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing. I own a copyright for the Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing.

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. 

In Marketing, the "customer," or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are 
vital, learning components of the 9P's.

I consult and teach using the Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:
  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • Streaming services are "products." 
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. Viewers ar users. Plus buyers. 
    • To understand your "People" or market segments, you will need to or may need to utilize many characteristics, including demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class), geographicspsychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values), behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
    • Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target a market segment or market segments
    • It’s easy to market toward demographics, but brands can’t connect with people unless they learn how they think. By developing mindset-based marketing strategies, brand decision-making can better resonate with these segments, targets and audiences to increase consumer loyalty.
    • Brand managers need to look at at their customers and/or potential users. Do you understand your potential customer's purchase and usage touchpoints, their habits and how they engage with your brand? Competing for their attention? 
    • Place "consumers," "People" or "potential buyers" in the middle of a circle. Find information or data on them. Add the other components in the other nine P's.
    • Post Covid 19 pandemic, I'm seeing "People" want an exceptional buying experience, which includes ethics and the company’s values. People are caring about convenience, comfort, ethics, and sustainability.  Look at home delivery of meals and everything on Amazon and Walmart or Target.
    • “People” or consumers prefer to buy “Products” from brands that share their values and “purpose-driven” movements.
    • Targeting mindsets allows brands to connect with consumers on an emotional level, which positively affects brands’ bottom lines.
    • Consumer and shopping data, plus first-party data can also help brands identify what people find valuable and important. You need to know where they live, how they work and play?
    • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price.
    • In Marketing, from my education, training, research and analysis plus testimony, there needs to be greater focus on the buyer, "customer," or "People," in both planning ad implementation.
  • Product and Services
    • Under the 9P's, it's the goods and service combination the firm offers to the target market, including variety of product mix, features, branding, designs, packaging, sizes, services, maintenance contracts, warranties and return policies.
    • A product (service) is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price: 
    • I've listed different monthly costs or fees. 
    • I’m finding that “People” or potential customers in my 9P’s, actual consumers are no longer buying “Products” and services based solely on “Price” and product quality. In the example of this post "people" can save money by seeing or viewing ads. 
    • An IBM study found that Nearly six in 10 consumers ("People") surveyed are willing to change their buying habits to reduce environmental impact. They found that over 70% would pay a premium of 35%, on average, for brands and products that are sustainable and environmentally responsible.
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: There's an expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR
  • Partners
  • Presentation: 
    • Consumers are voting with their wallet and pocketbook.
    • Some research says that consumers or my "People" care about business and their brands that have a social conscience (for the environment, for their workers, for societal issues, etc.). These "People" are actually prepared to pay more for these brands. They will support the brands that do, and ditch brands that don’t.
    • It's been reported that consumers or "people" are socially aware about how brands, products and businesses behave. 
    • Deloitte found that “62% of customers said that they are more likely to spend with companies who have taken extra steps to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees during lockdown.”
  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

If I Were To Ask You Who Are The Sponsors Of The Dodgers? And Why?

Last year was a tough one. No people or relatively fewer fans at the stadium. . Dodgers call it "limited number of fans." Or "limited in-person attendance." 

Tonight, It's the S.F. Giants at 7:10PM. 

So, if I were to ask who are the sponsors of the L.A. Dodger? Let's be more specific? 

Presenting sponsor?

Weekend sponsor?

Overall sponsor?  Could you name them.

I feel not. For last year they were?



WEEKEND SPONSOR: DWP- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

The Dodgers sell and promote to potential corporate "Partners" (one of my 9P's). They sell their expanding fan base and their loyalty year after year. 

If you sign on and pay big dollars you may or could get?

  • Signage or what they call in-stadium branding/exposure
  • Rights to use the Dodgers' logo and marks
  • Designation of Category exclusivity
  • Rights to conduct consumer activation (event) programs
  • Radio Broadcast Advertising (English & Spanish)
  • Impressions/Interactive exposure on and
  • People under my 9P's including the targeted audiences of Hispanic, Men/Women, Youth.
  • Connection to various community groups and charitable causes
  • Participate in special events and cross-promotions (One of the eight elements under "promotion," in my nine P's)
  • Dodger business & hospitality opportunities. For example Shack Shake has paid the fees and sponsorship dollars. In-N-Out passed.  

More insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here

I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing. I own a copyright for the Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing.

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. 

In Marketing, the "customer," or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning components of the 9P's.

I consult and teach using the Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • Stadium fans at Dodger Stadium.
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
    • To understand your "People" or market segments, you will need to or may need to utilize many characteristics, including demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class), geographicspsychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values), behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
    • Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target a market segment or market segments
    • It’s easy to market toward demographics, but brands can’t connect with people unless they learn how they think. By developing mindset-based marketing strategies, brand decision-making can better resonate with these segments, targets and audiences to increase consumer loyalty.
    • Brand managers need to look at at their customers and/or potential users. Do you understand your potential customer's purchase and usage touchpoints, their habits and how they engage with your brand? Competing for their attention? 
    • Place "consumers," "People" or "potential buyers" in the middle of a circle. Find information or data on them. Add the other components in the other nine P's.
    • Post Covid 19 pandemic, I'm seeing "People" want an exceptional buying experience, which includes ethics and the company’s values. People are caring about convenience, comfort, ethics, and sustainability.  Look at home delivery of meals and everything on Amazon and Walmart or Target.
    • “People” or consumers prefer to buy “Products” from brands that share their values and “purpose-driven” movements.
    • Targeting mindsets allows brands to connect with consumers on an emotional level, which positively affects brands’ bottom lines.
    • Consumer and shopping data, plus first-party data can also help brands identify what people find valuable and important. You need to know where they live, how they work and play?
    • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price.
    • In Marketing, from my education, training, research and analysis plus testimony, there needs to be greater focus on the buyer, "customer," or "People," in both planning ad implementation.
  • Product and Services
    • Under the 9P's, it's the goods and service combination the firm offers to the target market, including variety of product mix, features, branding, designs, packaging, sizes, services, maintenance contracts, warranties and return policies.
    • A product (service) is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price: 
    • I’m finding that “People” or potential customers in my 9P’s, actual consumers are no longer buying “Products” and services based solely on “Price” and product quality.
    • An IBM study found that Nearly six in 10 consumers ("People") surveyed are willing to change their buying habits to reduce environmental impact. They found that over 70% would pay a premium of 35%, on average, for brands and products that are sustainable and environmentally responsible.
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: There's an expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences, a part of sponsorship dollars
      • Public Relations/PR
    • Here are some strategic comments and questions under Promotion:
      • To whom should you target and promote? At Dodger Stadium. Under "People"/Targeting, target market, audience with media characteristics fall here.
      • What should you promote? Strategic copy points.
      • Evaluate the eight different elements under Promotion and your brand's practices. That affects media planning.
      • Ask is there a better way? A different promotional mix. There has to be a better way. 
      • What are your costs in dollars and manpower or person power? Ask "Is there a different way or ways to budget?" 
      • Look at different strategic partners? Their costs?
      • You can differentiate with price. Discounting? Special sales? What economic and discount levels should you offer? Look at revenue versus costs. 
      • What form or combination of promotion should you offer? Features?
      • How frequent? Add media planning here. 
  • Partners
  • Presentation: 
    • Consumers are voting with their wallet and pocketbook. For sports they may or may not be putting their butts into the seats. 
    • Some research says that consumers or my "People" care about business and their brands that have a social conscience (for the environment, for their workers, for societal issues, etc.). These "People" are actually prepared to pay more for these brands. They will support the brands that do, and ditch brands that don’t.
    • It's been reported that consumers or "people" are socially aware about how brands, products and businesses behave. 
    • Deloitte found that “62% of customers said that they are more likely to spend with companies who have taken extra steps to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees during lockdown.”
  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

If In-N-Out Burger is the Best Burger in California, Why Isn't In and Out at Dodger Stadium Selling Their Outstanding Burgers and Fries?

Tomorrow's game is against the Giants. 

Shake Shack is. At Dodger Stadium.

In-N-Out Burger isn’t. At Dodger Stadium.

Why Shake Shack sells at Dodger Stadium instead of In-N-Out Burger?

For In N Out, stadiums and ballparks like Dodger Stadium don’t fit their business "Planning," “Product,” “Presentation, and “Place” model, under the 9P’s of Marketing.

For In N Out,  neither do business districts fit; there’s not a steady flow of potential customers or there are too many “People,” all at once.  

Airports too. You won’t usually see In-N-Out, there. Doesn’t fit and they are not a “normal” outlet for them. Steading traffic.  Remember there are only 80 games a year, each for a few hours. 

But there’s a special case. I’ll get to that, later

So why isn’t In-N-Out burger at Dodger Stadium?

One of the biggest reasons it costs money. Big money. The stadiums want to be compensated. Big time.

Sponsorship and location dollars. The finance, operations and marketing people have to ask and do evaluate  “Is it worth the extra money?” "The extra time and efforts. 

Here are a few more reasons why In-N-Out isn't at Dodger Stadium. .

It’s about quality control. Or “product.” They want customers to get consistency.  Their quality "product." Ever feel you quality and exceptional product experience at a decent price? Not regularly, for sure. 

They have to have extra high prices to cover the facility and sponsorship costs. So, In-N-Out can’t have uniform prices at each of the stores or outlets.

Sponsorship deals have many extras and details they may not agree with or want to work with. In my example Shack Shack agreed to them. In—N-Out didn’t. In-N-Out didn’t want the package and the intricacies.

Here’s a bit of trivia. What is interesting near LAX is that In-N-Out is on Sepulveda just off the LAX airport property. That one location ("Place") is highly successful. But they are not paying the Airport people or the city of L.A.

If I were to ask you who were the sponsors of the Dodgers. I’d bet you couldn’t name them.

The 2020 Sponsors were:

  • Title Sponsor: Biofreeze.
  • Presenting Sponsor: UCLA Health.
  • Weekend Sponsor: DWP or the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

The Dodgers offer an opportunity for “partners, another of the 9P’s, to tie-in to their operation. But for those promotional and facility fees.  

What Shack Shack did get was a package that included: The Dodger fan base of potential customers but on game days only, but you pay for the exposure. The use or rights of using Dodgers' logo and marks, in stadium signage,  branding/exposure, radio advertising (English & Spanish), participating in special events and cross-promotions and Dodger business and hospitality opportunities.

But you pay for all of this. There are eight elements under the major part of "Promotion” in the 9P’s: Many options. Dodgers are just one of thousands of ways to pay for promotion.

More insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here

I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing. I own a copyright for the Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing.

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. 

In Marketing, the "customer," or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning components of the 9P's.

I consult and teach using the Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
    • To understand your "People" or market segments, you will need to or may need to utilize many characteristics, including demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class), geographicspsychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values), behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
    • Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target a market segment or market segments
    • It’s easy to market toward demographics, but brands can’t connect with people unless they learn how they think. By developing mindset-based marketing strategies, brand decision-making can better resonate with these segments, targets and audiences to increase consumer loyalty.
    • Brand managers need to look at at their customers and/or potential users. Do you understand your potential customer's purchase and usage touchpoints, their habits and how they engage with your brand? Competing for their attention? 
    • Place "consumers," "People" or "potential buyers" in the middle of a circle. Find information or data on them. Add the other components in the other nine P's.
    • Post Covid 19 pandemic, I'm seeing "People" want an exceptional buying experience, which includes ethics and the company’s values. People are caring about convenience, comfort, ethics, and sustainability.  Look at home delivery of meals and everything on Amazon and Walmart or Target.
    • “People” or consumers prefer to buy “Products” from brands that share their values and “purpose-driven” movements.
    • Targeting mindsets allows brands to connect with consumers on an emotional level, which positively affects brands’ bottom lines.
    • Consumer and shopping data, plus first-party data can also help brands identify what people find valuable and important. You need to know where they live, how they work and play?
    • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price.
    • In Marketing, from my education, training, research and analysis plus testimony, there needs to be greater focus on the buyer, "customer," or "People," in both planning ad implementation.
  • Product and Services
    • Under the 9P's, it's the goods and service combination the firm offers to the target market, including variety of product mix, features, branding, designs, packaging, sizes, services, maintenance contracts, warranties and return policies.
    • A product (service) is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
  • Place (Distribution): Location, location, location. Dodger stadium? 
  • Price: 
    • Food, as you know> costs more at special venues.
    • I’m finding that “People” or potential customers in my 9P’s, actual consumers are no longer buying “Products” and services based solely on “Price” and product quality.
    • An IBM study found that Nearly six in 10 consumers ("People") surveyed are willing to change their buying habits to reduce environmental impact. They found that over 70% would pay a premium of 35%, on average, for brands and products that are sustainable and environmentally responsible.
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: There's an expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR
    • Here are some strategic comments and questions under Promotion:
      • To whom should you target and promote? Under "People"/Targeting, target market, audience with media characteristics fall here.
      • What should you promote? Strategic copy points.
      • Evaluate the eight different elements under Promotion and your brand's practices. That affects media planning.
      • Ask is there a better way? A different promotional mix. There has to be a better way. 
      • What are your costs in dollars and manpower or person power? Ask "Is there a different way or ways to budget?" 
      • Look at different strategic partners? Their costs?
      • You can differentiate with price. Discounting? Special sales? What economic and discount levels should you offer? Look at revenue versus costs. 
      • What form or combination of promotion should you offer? Features?
      • How frequent? Add media planning here. 
  • Partners
  • Presentation: 
    • Consumers are voting with their wallet and pocketbook.
    • Some research says that consumers or my "People" care about business and their brands that have a social conscience (for the environment, for their workers, for societal issues, etc.). These "People" are actually prepared to pay more for these brands. They will support the brands that do, and ditch brands that don’t.
    • It's been reported that consumers or "people" are socially aware about how brands, products and businesses behave. 
    • Deloitte found that “62% of customers said that they are more likely to spend with companies who have taken extra steps to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees during lockdown.”
  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

With The Nine P's Of Marketing And Promotion, Tough Time To Be Selling Print Ads?

Huge shift to digital. 

Yes, for sure, you do not want to be selling print ads. 

It’s about readership. Advertisers want potential consumers.

It’s now less than four maybe six years that digital, local newspapers will exceed their local print subscriptions. Fewer print subscriptions, going digital. And faster now is the trend. 

They are predicting by 2024 to 2027, researched by Mather Economics, digital will be greater than print.

What is bad for the model is that advertisers are cutting back on print and the newspapers are losing readers. Actually it's readership is dropping a advertisers are dropping out or too, 

What is a bigger problem is that newspapers charge less for their digital subscriptions than  for their print subscriptions. So its readership is dropping and the newspapers charge less for their digital subscriptions, as readers go to digital that’s less overall revenue for the newspapers.

The equation is out of whack.

More insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here

I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing. I own a copyright for the Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing.

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. 

In Marketing, the "customer," or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning components of the 9P's.

Geographics are a big part of newspaper advertising. 

I consult and teach using the Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • Newspaper advertisers want readers and potential customers 
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
    • To understand your "People" or market segments, you will need to or may need to utilize many characteristics, including demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class), geographicspsychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values), behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
    • Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target a market segment or market segments
    • It’s easy to market toward demographics, but brands can’t connect with people unless they learn how they think. By developing mindset-based marketing strategies, brand decision-making can better resonate with these segments, targets and audiences to increase consumer loyalty.
    • Brand managers need to look at at their customers and/or potential users. Do you understand your potential customer's purchase and usage touchpoints, their habits and how they engage with your brand? Competing for their attention? 
    • Place "consumers," "People" or "potential buyers" in the middle of a circle. Find information or data on them. Add the other components in the other nine P's.
    • Post Covid 19 pandemic, I'm seeing "People" want an exceptional buying experience, which includes ethics and the company’s values. People are caring about convenience, comfort, ethics, and sustainability.  Look at home delivery of meals and everything on Amazon and Walmart or Target.
    • “People” or consumers prefer to buy “Products” from brands that share their values and “purpose-driven” movements.
    • Targeting mindsets allows brands to connect with consumers on an emotional level, which positively affects brands’ bottom lines.
    • Consumer and shopping data, plus first-party data can also help brands identify what people find valuable and important. You need to know where they live, how they work and play?
    • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price.
    • In Marketing, from my education, training, research and analysis plus testimony, there needs to be greater focus on the buyer, "customer," or "People," in both planning ad implementation.
  • Product and Services
    • Under the 9P's, it's the goods and service combination the firm offers to the target market, including variety of product mix, features, branding, designs, packaging, sizes, services, maintenance contracts, warranties and return policies.
    • A product (service) is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price: 
    • I’m finding that “People” or potential customers in my 9P’s, actual consumers are no longer buying “Products” and services based solely on “Price” and product quality.
    • An IBM study found that Nearly six in 10 consumers ("People") surveyed are willing to change their buying habits to reduce environmental impact. They found that over 70% would pay a premium of 35%, on average, for brands and products that are sustainable and environmentally responsible.
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: 
        • Newspaper and print advertising fit here.
        • There's an expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR
    • Here are some strategic comments and questions under Promotion:
      • Local newspapers target locally.
      • To whom should you target and promote? Under "People"/Targeting, target market, audience with media characteristics fall here.
      • What should you promote? Strategic copy points.
      • Evaluate the eight different elements under Promotion and your brand's practices. That affects media planning.
      • Ask is there a better way? A different promotional mix. There has to be a better way. 
      • What are your costs in dollars and manpower or person power? Ask "Is there a different way or ways to budget?" 
      • Look at different strategic partners? Their costs?
      • You can differentiate with price. Discounting? Special sales? What economic and discount levels should you offer? Look at revenue versus costs. 
      • What form or combination of promotion should you offer? Features?
      • How frequent? Add media planning here. 
  • Partners
  • Presentation: 
    • Consumers are voting with their wallet and pocketbook.
    • Some research says that consumers or my "People" care about business and their brands that have a social conscience (for the environment, for their workers, for societal issues, etc.). These "People" are actually prepared to pay more for these brands. They will support the brands that do, and ditch brands that don’t.
    • It's been reported that consumers or "people" are socially aware about how brands, products and businesses behave. 
    • Deloitte found that “62% of customers said that they are more likely to spend with companies who have taken extra steps to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees during lockdown.”
  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC. Here to help. All the best.