Monday, April 11, 2022

Will Smith's Next Film: "Emanicipation" Will be A Tough Sell. Not Trending Well.

Movies are expensive to promote and there's plenty of problems with the upcoming "Emancipation."

Apple TV+ has its hands-pulled and tied. You can't slap people into the theatres. Or to watch a film starring Will Smith.

Here's the elephant in the room after the Academy Awards, and after Smith resigned from the Academy for face censorship, suspension or exclusion.  And he was this year's Best Actor.

"Emancipation" was to be released later this year.

What to do?

What's the story? It's a action picture called “Emancipation,” from director Antoine Fuqua and starring Oscar-crowned  best actor, Will Smith. The film tells the story of an enslaved person escaping a Louisiana plantation.

It's produced by Smith’s production company, Westbrook with Apple TV+. 

What a mess. 

You need the 9P's to figure out the problems and opportunities. Next steps. 

Need sales? Need more insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and practical examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here

I am an experienced, senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing--Planning, People, Product, Place, Price, Promotion, Partners, Passion and Presentation to solve Marketing and business problems and create Marketing opportunities

I own a copyright for these Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the 1960's Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing. It's sixty years later and we are in the digital age. 

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. The nine P's were created for the digital age. 

Under and with Marketing, the "customer" or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning or teaching components of the 9P's. Helping create opportunities, solve problems, increase sales. Cut costs. 

I consult and teach using these Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
  • Product and Services
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price or Pricing 
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: You may not know that Google, Facebook and Amazon attract 46 cents of every dollar spent by advertisers. Think about this expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR
  • Partners/Alliances
  • Presentation: 
    • The act or acts of strategically presenting any of the different 9P’s© and/or components to your customers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, sales force, marketing intermediaries, clients, employees, partners, and/or others. 

      Presentation aspects may be signs, symbols or images that represent something; a descriptive or persuasive account (as a sales person of the product or service). Something set forth for the attention of mind of your targets ("People") and media audiences.

  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

I Didn’t Know that Lime Had Been Replaced With Green Apple. Plus How Many Skittles' Flavors?

It doesn’t take much to promote. For Skittles? 

The return of their lime flavor. They ditched it in 2013. Nine years of listening to complaints.

Skittles heard and saw130K complaints and comments and took to outdoor (NY Times Square, their M&M’s store and a digital board) and social media to say “Lime is Back.”  Actually, they used all caps “LIME IS BACK.”

Skittles PR said: “Mars is thrilled to be able to use our iconic M&M'S Store in Times Square, which sits just under the digital billboard, to help share the message with fans that lime is back.”

They also used the The “Lime Is Back” slogan on TikTok and Twitch, plus Kyle Busch’s #18 Toyota during the NASCAR Cup Series race in Austin, Texas.

Launched in 1979, did you know that the original Skittles packs contained five fruit flavors? M&M’s Skittles has introduced 150 flavors.Falls under new product development and "product," in the nine P's of Marketing.

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

When Baseball Isn’t A Baseball?

It’s a game. It’s not the same game, ballpark to ballpark, team to team.

Humidors and baseballs?
Especially the balls, hit and caught.

Do you know that some baseball teams store their baseballs used in a game in a humidor, just like you would store fine cigars? 

Everyone knows that the interaction of the bat and then the ball in flight is complicated, and involves rotation, air, speed, humidity and temperature.


Storing baseballs in humidors add consistency.

Baseball professionals are looking at the bounciness of the ball, or too much bounce or lack of it. Affects home run rates too.

Now ten teams use humidors and it will be 30 teams.

MLB wants to add consistency. But some parks and balls are drier. Some wetter or there’s more water in the air.

The league wants consistency, a single average, kind of ball, across the league.

Simply put balls can fly and bounce differently. Balls fly easier and farther through humid, “wetter” air than dry air.  But the humidors won’t change the air, just add some consistency to the ball in the catcher’s, umpire’s or pitcher’s hand.

By the way in my hometown the Dodgers and Angels do not have humidors. Astros (without the trashcans and signal stealing), Blue Jays, Cardinals, Diamondbacks,  Rockies, Mariners, Mets, Marlins, Rangers and Red Sox do.

For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC

Monday, April 04, 2022

I Love This Sign. "Your Name Here. " Place Marketing?

 It's Place and Promotion.

So simple of a message. Combines "Product," "Place," "Promotion," "Partners" and "Presentation," under the 9P's of Marketing. An actual sign in Long Beach California, near the 405.

Need sales? Need more insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and practical examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here

I am an experienced, senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing--Planning, People, Product, Place, Price, Promotion, Partners, Passion and Presentation to solve Marketing and business problems and create Marketing opportunities

I own a copyright for these Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the 1960's Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing. It's sixty years later and we are in the digital age. 

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. The nine P's were created for the digital age. 

Under and with Marketing, the "customer" or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning or teaching components of the 9P's. Helping create opportunities, solve problems, increase sales. Cut costs. 

I consult and teach using these Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
  • Product and Services
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price or Pricing 
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: You may not know that Google, Facebook and Amazon attract 46 cents of every dollar spent by advertisers. Think about this expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR
  • Partners/Alliances
  • Presentation: 
    • The act or acts of strategically presenting any of the different 9P’s© and/or components to your customers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, sales force, marketing intermediaries, clients, employees, partners, and/or others. 

      Presentation aspects may be signs, symbols or images that represent something; a descriptive or persuasive account (as a sales person of the product or service). Something set forth for the attention of mind of your targets ("People") and media audiences.

  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54

Sunday, April 03, 2022

Here's A Tough Break For AppleTV+, This Year: What To Do With Will Smith's "Emancipation?"

Marketing may solve this problem but it will take research, art and science. And it may be a "lesser" film based on viewer response and ticket sales. 

AppleTV+ won with CODA in this year's Oscars (Best Picture), but the upcoming film "Emancipation" will be tricky. 

They were expecting big things for the movie, but it stars Will Smith. 

The story of "Emancipation," is about Peter, a real-life runaway slave, who escaped from pre-Civil War Louisiana. He outwitted hunters on his journey North. He joined the Union Army. 

Antoine Fuqua is the director, from a script by William N. Collage. 

But the real story will be when will it be released and will Will Smith be banned or suspended by the Academy.  Tough place for Apple and it's Marketing and advertising team and everyone associated with the film. 

More insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here

I am a senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing. 

I own a copyright for the Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing ©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the 1960's Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing. 

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. They were created for the digital age. 

In Marketing, the "customer," or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning components of the 9P's.

I consult and teach using these Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
    • It's a special way at looking at diversity, if you review your gender, racial and other factors to your employees, customers, management, talent, board of directors, suppliers, partners, agencies, production and more.
    • To understand your "People" or market segments, you will need to or may need to utilize many characteristics, including demographics (such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, culture, generation, nationality, and social class), geographicspsychographics (buyers are on basis of psychological/personality traits, lifecycle, values), behavioral characteristics (needs and benefits, decision roles, user and usage-related variables, occasions, user status, usage rate buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status, attitude and multiple bases) and technographics (potential buyers may or may not have the software and computer skills. Think employees here too, which may be a vital component or components of the 9P's of Marketing. 
    • Look at your actual customers. Then once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategies to target a market segment or market segments
    • It’s easy to market toward demographics, but brands can’t connect with people unless they learn how they think. By developing mindset-based marketing strategies, brand decision-making can better resonate with these segments, targets and audiences to increase consumer loyalty.
    • Brand managers need to look at at their customers and/or potential users. Do you understand your potential customer's purchase and usage touchpoints, their habits and how they engage with your brand? Competing for their attention? 
    • Place "consumers," "People" or "potential buyers" in the middle of a circle. Find information or data on them. Add the other components in the other nine P's.
    • Post Covid 19 pandemic, I'm seeing "People" want an exceptional buying experience, which includes ethics and the company’s values. People are caring about convenience, comfort, ethics, and sustainability.  Look at home delivery of meals and everything on Amazon and Walmart or Target.
    • “People” or consumers prefer to buy “Products” from brands that share their values and “purpose-driven” movements.
    • Targeting mindsets allows brands to connect with consumers on an emotional level, which positively affects brands’ bottom lines.
    • Consumer and shopping data, plus first-party data can also help brands identify what people find valuable and important. You need to know where they live, how they work and play?
    • "People" or targeting has almost always been left out of the traditional "Marketing Mix," almost every diagram includes the four P's with Product, Promotion, Place and Price.
    • In Marketing, from my education, training, research and analysis plus testimony, there needs to be greater focus on the buyer, "customer," or "People," in both planning ad implementation.
  • Product and Services
    • Under the 9P's, it's the goods and service combination the firm offers to the target market, including variety of product mix, features, branding, designs, packaging, sizes, services, maintenance contracts, warranties and return policies.
    • A product (service) is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price: 
    • I’m finding that “People” or potential customers in my 9P’s, actual consumers are no longer buying “Products” and services based solely on “Price” and product quality.
    • An IBM study found that Nearly six in 10 consumers ("People") surveyed are willing to change their buying habits to reduce environmental impact. They found that over 70% would pay a premium of 35%, on average, for brands and products that are sustainable and environmentally responsible.
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: There's an expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR

  • Partners
  • Presentation: 
  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consulta

Saturday, April 02, 2022

How Much Does An Oscar Mean To Viewership? For A Streaming Service?

Big time. Plenty.

For me I signed up for Apple TV+ to view CODA.

After CODA won the Oscar viewership of new viewers was +25% and  the "CODA" Oscar win boosted Apple TV+ for new viewers by 25%. Sources say. 

Plus it pushed viewing of the film up more than 300% compared with their prior week's numbers.

I've added the first six episodes of WeCrashed too. 

Of course Apple has never revealed how many subscribers it has for Apple TV Plus.

Need sales? Need more insights into true Marketing and advertising practices and practical examples? Including smart Marketing trivia?  Visit right here

I am an experienced, senior Forensic Marketing Expert, Advertising expert, Advertising/Marketing consultant with Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC.

I created the 9P's of Marketing--
Planning, People, Product, Place, Price, Promotion, Partners, Passion and Presentation to solve Marketing and business problems and create Marketing opportunities

I own a copyright for these Nine P’s/9 P's of Marketing©2007 concepts and Marketing practices, which augment the 1960's Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) or the 4P’s by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy in the study and practice of Marketing. It's sixty years later and we are in the digital age. 

The Nine P's/9P's of Marketing help identify marketing problems in a number of strategic areas and help develop profitable marketing’s objectives, strategies, tactics and solutions. The 9P's are insightful. The nine P's were created for the digital age. 

Under and with Marketing, the "customer" or potential consumers should be the center of the universe or "king," but they are missing in the 4P's. I feel from my study and research that there needs to be more focus on the "Customer," or "People." "People" or market segments, which utilize demographics, geographics, psychographics, behavioral characteristics and technographics, are vital, learning or teaching components of the 9P's. Helping create opportunities, solve problems, increase sales. Cut costs. 

I consult and teach using these Marketing concepts and practices of the Nine P's/9P's of Marketing.

In the study and practice of Marketing, brand, advertising and marketing managers develop plans, strategies and tactics. The Nine P’s include these important concepts, practices and components:

  • People (Segmentation and Targeting)
    • In my 9P's, I stress that firms need to look and analyze potential, new, existing and repeat customers and users. 
  • Product and Services
  • Place (Distribution)
  • Price or Pricing 
  • Planning
  • Promotion: 
    • There are eight (8) major, strategic components or communication elements which are personal and non-personal communication activities. 
    • The activities that communicate the merits of the overall product include:
      • Personal Selling/ Sales Force: Sales persons
        • Listen more than you talk. People who listen more, learn more, plus helps you position your service/product/solution or offering. 
      • Advertising: You may not know that Google, Facebook and Amazon attract 46 cents of every dollar spent by advertisers. Think about this expression "It is only creative if the product or service sells." I wanted to add "It is only good media spending if it sells." 
      • Sales Promotion
      • Collateral Materials
      • Direct Marketing (also referred to as Action or Direct Response Advertising)
      • Interactive/Internet/Web, Digital Media, Social Media:  
      • Events and Experiences
      • Public Relations/PR
  • Partners/Alliances
  • Presentation: 
    • The act or acts of strategically presenting any of the different 9P’s© and/or components to your customers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, sales force, marketing intermediaries, clients, employees, partners, and/or others. 

      Presentation aspects may be signs, symbols or images that represent something; a descriptive or persuasive account (as a sales person of the product or service). Something set forth for the attention of mind of your targets ("People") and media audiences.

  • Passion
For more on ideas, concepts and Marketing solutions: Go to and look under “Articles and Resources” and the 9P’s/Nine P’s ©2007. Specifically you will find them detailed at 9P’s/Nine P’s.

Or for more fun, marketing strategies/tactics and facts: Go to Marketing Trivia with 54 stimulating questions and answers at Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC